


3 Simple Ways to Slow the Hustle and Savor Your Family Time

Posted on Aug 24, 2023   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Lana Stenner

We all yearn for joyful, memorable days with our friends and family. Slow living has become a trendy phrase, not just for the homestead community, but for everyone from corporate executives to stay-at-home moms. Many of us have a desire to simplify and get back to the basics of what is truly important in life. In a society filled with instant gratification such as same-day deliveries, smart devices, and AI chatbots that answer every question we can imagine, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and distracted. You don’t have to move to a 100-acre farm in the middle of nowhere to slow down the hustle and begin to simplify your days. Here are three easy steps you can do to start chasing God’s simple truths.

Start a Garden

Building a garden can be as simple as filling a container on your patio with soil and plants. The wonderful thing is that it can be done while living in an apartment. If you have a little more space, you can move out to the yard with a raised bed. If you pack it tight with your favorite fruits, vegetables and herbs, there will be little room for weeds to sprout up. We love companion planting that allows our produce to thrive. For example, our tomato beds are vertical gardens with trellises, so the vines can grow up to eight-feet tall. This space saving method also allows room for the marigolds to be planted at the base and repel the insects that destroy our plants. The additional bonus to this companion plant is the beautiful bright yellow and orange blooms. It’s especially fun to plant, nurture, and harvest produce with your family members. It’s a lesson in patience, hard work, and pure joy that you can experience together.

Prepare Family Meals Together

We love our Sunday family time around the dinner table. It’s always casual, delicious, and filled with tears, laughter, and good conversation. The kitchen is the center of our relationships, and spending time preparing meals together can be priceless. If you look back at the landscape of your life, some of your most positive memories will likely be intertwined with food, your favorite people, and a special meal. This is where memories are made and relationships are built. Of course, it’s easier to stop at a drive-thru for a quick burger and eat in the car on the way to a child’s sporting event. We’ve all done that in the past when necessary. However, preparing family meals together, savoring the flavors, and lingering for conversations, give us a sweet taste of good life. This is when we can pass on traditions, discuss values, and truly connect with our friends and family.

Schedule Time to Build Faith

It’s important to devote time to build your faith or other things will quickly distract you and occupy your free minutes. This is more than just sitting in the pew on Sunday morning. Maybe that is sitting on a bench in your garden and praying for a friend or your kids. Filling our spare time by meditating on God’s goodness brings joy to our lives, even in seasons of struggle. Some like to start every morning with time in the Bible and prayer, a walk, or a trail hike. A few minutes of quiet time outside with an audible bible reading app can be powerful. Getting that peace and joy from being in alignment with God is life-changing. Spending time in God’s word, prayer, and worship is nurturing, and can help clarify when our priorities are a bit off. Turning down the noise of the world and pressing into God’s simple truths can bring peace and contentment.

Scheduling intentional time with God, preparing family meals, and growing your own food will help you slow down, savor time with our loved ones, and have a stronger relationship with the Creator. 

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