


6 Ways to Become an Intentional Mom

Posted on Mar 03, 2020   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Deb Weakly

My childhood was difficult and filled with sadness.

I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, so when I became a Christian, and soon after a mom, I had no idea what I was doing. I felt so lost.

I remember going into my daughter’s room night after night, kneeling beside her bed, and crying my heart out to God for help. To make matters worse, my fears and frustration caused me to get angry and often lose it with my kids. I felt like a horrible mom, but I kept asking God for help.

You know what? God is so faithful! He answered me and simply said, “Spend time with me, Deb.” And so I did. I began rising 15 to 30 minutes earlier each day so I could read my Bible, pray, and plan out my day with my family. God began to teach me how to be the mom I always wanted to be.

Now, if you’re reading this blog, you’re most likely a mom (or a dad), so I don’t have to tell you that life is messy and parenting is hard. You might even feel like I did as a young mom—like you don’t know what to do. We would love to help you! The following is a list of ideas that have helped me become an intentional mom. You can try one of these ideas or all of them. As we say in the Help Club, “You do you!” Perfection in our parenting is never our goal, but it is so good to be encouraged to be intentional.


1.Be intentional in reading the Bible to your kids. This could take the form of a devotional or a Bible story, but whatever it is, your children need to hear the Bible coming from you.

2.Be intentional in prayer. Pray out loud, pray in your head, and never stop praying.

3.Be intentional in making Sundays special. Your kids don’t have to dread going to church. (Wait, what?) Try making Sunday the day for special breakfasts. Turn on some worship music and give your kids a reason to be excited about getting up on Sunday morning.

4.Be intentional in the car. You probably feel like you are spending ages in the car with your children, so use that time! Talk to them, pray with them, laugh with them. Use car rides as a time to get to know your kids.

5.Be intentional about date nights. Having a solid relationship with your husband will teach your kids more about love than you know..

6. Be intentional about serving. Teaching your kids to serve with the right attitude can set them up for success. Serving is a beautiful way of life!

So there you have it! These ideas are simple and practical, yet effective! When you are intentionally loving and teaching your kids, you do not have to worry about missed opportunities or the influence they are receiving outside your home. Take a breath, pray, then go out there and intentionally love your kids.

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