


A Day in the Life of a Christian Fiction Author

Posted on Sep 01, 2015   Topic : Fiction

By Vannetta Chapman

What do dogs, cats, deer, family, coffee, and word count all have in common? They describe this author’s day at the office!

I’ve been a full-time Christian fiction author for four years now. In some ways, every day feels like the first day on a brand-new job. In other ways, it feels as if I’ve done this forever, and it’s hard to remember my “other job” that I trekked off to for fifteen years—teaching!

So what does a day in the life of a Christian fiction author look like? I’m so glad you asked!

- Every day starts with Phoebe (100-pound Lab) and Cola (35-pound mix of we-don’t-know-what). They insist that hubby and I tumble out of bed at first light and take them for a walk.

- This is followed by coffee on the porch. We attempt to get our eyes fully open and enjoy the Texas morning—which always includes feeding the deer who walk up to join us.

- Once in my office I spend 30 minutes of quiet time: writing in my journal, reading devotionals, and adding to my to-do list.

- Leo (my yellow cat) joins me at my desk by 9:00 a.m. We spend one hour answering emails and posting to social media. Then the day’s real work begins.

- From 10:00-3:00 I focus on the day’s word count, which is always 2,000 words, or approximately ten pages. I have an Excel chart that keeps me on track. If I take off an afternoon to go to the movies with my son, I have to make that time up somewhere else! I research as I write, but regardless of the amount of time I spend researching, I have to stay at it until the ten pages are done.

- I take ten-minutes breaks throughout the day to throw in a load of laundry, play with the dogs, etc.

- Sometime during the day my 77-year-old mother stops by. She picks up my mail and takes it to the post office for me. I love mom-visits!

- From 3:00-4:00 I once again answer email, post to social media, and write blogs.

- I’m usually done by 4:00, unless something distracted me. Either way, I stay at my desk until it’s done. Then I stop for family time, dinner, and another walk with the dogs. I might work another hour in the evening, but I try not to.

Oh dear. This doesn’t sound too exciting when I write it out! But there are “special” days where I talk to readers at libraries, bookstores, and quilt guilds.

I love being a Christian fiction author! I’m able to envision completely different worlds and share God’s grace and love with my wonderful readers. If I’m successful, someone is filled with a renewed sense of hope when they finish reading my book. That is the very best part of my day.

Check out Vannetta's next novel, Anna's Healing—releasing October 1st!

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