


A Spark of Suspense Sets a Mystery Ablaze

Posted on Mar 15, 2018   Topic : Fiction

Eva Lapp is twenty-nine years old and over the hill when it comes to finding a good Amish husband. To Eva's surprise, her first love, Jake Miller, suddenly returns to Lancaster County. When a mysterious fire rages in an Amish neighbor's barn, will Eva's old flame, Jake, be the one who gets blamed? 


By the time Jake and I caught up with his dog, Missy, she was at the barn sniffing under the door. I couldn’t get it open. “Jake, help me.”

“Are you sure you want to go in there?”

“Yah, we have to now.”

“Sniff the air,” Jake said.

I inhaled. “Cigarette smoke?” We both turned our flashlights to the hayloft above.

“No one would be stupid enough to smoke up there.” I hoped not, anyway. “A hayloft is a tinderbox waiting for a spark.”

“Who’s up there?” Jake placed his foot on the wooden ladder rung. “Show yourself or I’m climbing up to find out for myself.”

“Be careful, Jake.”

I hoped no one was there, but the floorboards in the loft creaked. Bits of hay floated down like feathers.

“Ralph?” I called. “Is that you?”

“What of it?” Ralph’s words were garbled and sloppy. “I sleep here all the time, and the Amish owner has never complained.”

Jake scaled another rung. “He would if he knew you smoked. Look, your cigarette butt started a fire!” Jake’s voice emanated panic. I could hear him trying to stamp out the flames, without success. He leaned over and tossed me his cell phone. “Call 9-1-1!”

From the hayloft, crackling erupted. “Go down,” Jake told Ralph. “Hurry.” But Ralph ignored him.

The crackling, burning straw gained momentum, sounding like an oncoming locomotive.

“Evie, let the mares and cow out.” Jake ran to the stallion and opened his stall.

I pulled off my sweater and covered one of the frantic mare’s heads. I felt a metal shoe gouge into my leg—but no time to look. I led the blinded mare out of the barn, and the other followed. Both galloped into the descending darkness.

As Jake struggled with the stallion, I unclipped and led the bawling cow outside, but I had nowhere to tie her.

The sky lit up from the flames. The heat increased.

A thunderous noise above reminded me of a jet flying too low. Flames leaped and danced. Sparks flew. The heat grew unbearable.

Jake grabbed a rope halter and maneuvered it onto the stallion’s head. He seized control of the frantic horse and forced it out of the barn, and then gave its rump a whack. It bolted into the darkness.

The multiplying flames were hypnotizing me. I tried to breathe, to fill my lungs. I gulped for air and put my hand in front of my face to ward off the heat.

“Come out, Evie.” Jake grasped my hand and pulled me to safety.

A moment later, the blazing loft collapsed, as loud as a stick of exploding dynamite. I thought my eardrums would burst.

“Thank you, Lord,” I said, knowing no one but God could hear me.

Sirens screamed in the distance, traveling our way. The whole barn was a blistering furnace, illuminating the sky.


Will Eva and Jake be able to overcome the many obstacles in their way and find the redemption they both desperately need?

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