


Are God’s Miracles Hard to Understand? They Should Be

Posted on Jul 28, 2016   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional
Posted by : M.R. Wells

If we believe God knows everything, and we humans don’t, it shouldn’t surprise us when things happen that we don’t understand. That’s why Ginny hasn’t been surprised at the healing miracles her pet therapy golden retriever, Molly, has had a paw in.

One situation involved a girl who had been in a coma for three weeks following a skiing accident. Ginny took the girl’s hand and used it to pet Molly, all the while speaking to the youngster. “This is Molly. She’s a pet therapy dog,” Ginny told her. At the time, there was no response. But half an hour after Ginny left, the girl’s eyes fluttered and she spoke and asked to see the pup.

By the time she and Molly returned the next day, the girl was out of bed. She went on to make a full recovery, and she remembered stroking Molly while she was in the coma.

In another situation, Ginny and Molly spent time with a woman in ICU who’d been in a motorcycle accident. She was bandaged head to toe. Her mom was with her and tried to help her pet Molly. Only the injured woman’s fingertips were uncovered. The mother used those fingertips to stroke Molly’s fur while explaining that Molly was a pet therapy dog.

Ginny and Molly visited this woman once a week for a month. She seemed unresponsive the first couple of times. Ginny thinks she might have been heavily sedated, but she doesn’t know for sure. What she does know is that eventually the woman began to talk, and she recalled petting Molly on those earlier visits.

As I was thinking about these two incidents, I detected a common thread. In each case a human needing healing was somehow separated from those trying to help, and a dog reached its paw across that chasm and connected. There was also a chasm separating the son of the Shunammite woman from his loved ones, and the prophet Elisha reached across it and brought him back from death.

The full story is found in 2 Kings 4:8-37. Elisha was making trips to Shunem and a wealthy woman in that city reached out to him and helped him.

When the woman's son was a few years old, he went out to the fields during harvest one day. He got a terrible headache and died on his mother’s lap.

Elisha hurried to the boy, prayed to God, and through God’s power, brought him back to life.

What a picture of the healing we all need! We need God to give us life, but we also need Him to heal us from the spiritual death of sin. This is the tallest healing order there is, but no healing is impossible for God.

Is this hard to understand? Why are you surprised? It’s a miracle! But as a dog named Molly proves, you don’t have to fully understand a miracle to be part of one. Will you receive God’s redemptive miracle and allow Him to use you to reach across a chasm with His healing, just as He did with Molly and Elisha?

Read more in Doctor Dog by M.R. Wells

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