


Are You Missing God’s Greater Blessing?

Posted on Feb 20, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional
Posted by : Susie Larson

Tell them not to leave the well.

The whisper came across my heart and made it beat faster. I was at a conference I had spent weeks preparing for. I had spent days fasting and praying over what message I would share. Now it was almost time for me to go up and speak, and I was caught completely off guard.

Again, the still, small voice whispered, Tell them not to leave the well. This time I could see a picture in my mind of an old, strong well made from large stones. It was virtually untouched because around it for miles were thousands of makeshift wells, which were really just holes in the ground.

I suddenly had an overwhelming sense that many of the women in the crowd had come to this retreat empty, depleted, and thirsty. I sensed that many of them, out of desperation, often turned to counterfeit sources for a quick relief from pain, loneliness, insecurity, or anger. By turning to the quick fix, they missed the greater blessing God had for them.

How many of us have read of Jesus breaking custom by approaching the Samarian woman at the well? It’s true that they were of different backgrounds, which ordinarily would have provided a barrier to even speaking. But if we focus on all the reasons the conversation shouldn’t have happened, we miss the point. Jesus didn’t go to the well to fill his thirst, but to fill hers.

“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14

There at the conference, I found myself with a choice to make. I had one idea about how the weekend should go, and God had another.

For the next few days I found myself utterly dependent on the Holy Spirit’s direction for every message I gave. Because I longed for security and something to hold on to, I was tempted at times to rely on the notes I brought with me—my own quick fix. And yet by releasing that security and relying on Jesus to be my well, I saw the supernatural unfold before me.

I challenge you now, as I did that weekend, don’t leave the well. Don’t be so uncomfortable with your pain that you rush to a quick fix to cover it up. In your loneliness, in your hard times, and in your waiting, stay by the well until the true, pure water comes. He will come for you. He will bring healing and a new direction for your lives.

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