


Are You on a Hunt for Hope?

Posted on Oct 23, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living
Posted by : Steve Chapman

People who hunt and fish share a common attitude. As one who is happy doing either, I can testify that this shared mindset is nonstop while enthusiasts are in the woods or on the water. What is it? The answer is…we are always hoping.

Why does hope remain constant the entire time I’m out there doing what I love to do? It’s because I’m in a place where I believe something exciting could happen at any moment. I’m never bored when I’m hunting or fishing because it’s virtually impossible to be hopeful and bored at the same time.

I’ve also found that hope grows stronger when the time is nearing to head back to the truck or motor back to the dock. When I’m hunting, for example, such as a planned meeting that I can’t miss or a setting sun, I get extra watchful and doubly hopeful. And if I haven’t seen anything to that point, the intensity of the anticipation can reach lip-biting levels.

The same growing hopefulness also happens when I’m around water with a line and a rod. If I know I soon have to reel in, de-bait, and pull up anchor, my casting speeds up and the lure cuts the water just a little faster.

The hope that has kept me on the edge of my seat on a ladder stand or in a boat has served a good spiritual purpose. It has helped me as a follower of Christ to better understand the “blessed hope” of His appearing. Believing it can happen any moment is indeed a sacred hope because it makes a life that is never boring, and, more important, never hopeless.

One thing that makes the “blessed hope” grow even stronger in my heart is hearing the current and trusted teachers of Bible prophecy say with confidence that we’re not far from Christ’s return. To put it in hunter’s terms, the moment is nearing to leave the woods, so it’s time to listen harder and watch closer!

As one who is excited that the prophetic indicators point to a soon end of the age and the appearing of Christ as Redeemer of His people, my hope is intensifying. As it grows daily, I say with John the Revelator, “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20 KJV).

God, I’m so grateful for the blessing of hope. I truly enjoy its benefit in the outdoors, but how much more wonderful is the hope that You will keep Your promise to return and deliver Your people from a world that is growing darker by the day. I want to be among those who are constantly excited, hoping and looking for Your appearance. By Your grace applied to my life, it will be so. Praise and glory be to your mighty name. And…come quickly, Lord! Amen.

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