


Be Aware of the Play-Action Pass

Posted on Sep 18, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living
Posted by : Tony Evans

Do you like to watch football? I do. I loved it as a kid, I loved watching my son play in high school and in college and even a bit in the NFL. And I love to watch it now after a long Sunday morning of back-to-back services at church. Watching football is never dull to me.

One play that often works well is called a play-action pass. The quarterback receives the ball from the center, turns as if he is about to hand the ball off to the running back… but then keeps the ball. The goal of the fake is to get the defense to focus on the running back—until they realize he doesn’t even have the ball. While this is going on, the quarterback quickly hides the ball, runs the other way, and throws a pass to a receiver downfield.

If the quarterback has done his job well, the defense has been lured away from the ball, and the quarterback can throw it to a wide-open receiver.

Did you know that Satan has run a play-action pass on many of us today? 2 Corinthians 11:14 says, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” He has lured us into running the wrong direction and chasing the wrong goals so he can distract us from our real purpose. Like a pickpocket who loves a crowd, Satan has been robbing too many people of their purpose by distracting them from God’s plan.

One of the best strategies against the play-action pass is to be aware of its existence. When you are aware, your eyes will be open, and you will keep a greater focus on the ball rather than the fake. As you pursue your destiny, be aware of Satan’s schemes so that if you feel you have become distracted from God’s purpose for you, you can double back and get on track sooner rather than later.

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