


Beyond the Forecast: Discovering God’s Surprising Answers to Prayer

Posted on Feb 06, 2024   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Kariss Farris

Have you ever prayed for something so long that you lost hope of the answer being yes? Yep, me too.

At the beginning of the year our church fasted in prayer. In an attempt to help our young children learn the spiritual discipline of fasting in prayer, we implemented a family fast. The only beverage allowed was water for the week. We ate dinner together as a family each evening and my husband hosted family prayer each night. Collectively, they chose to pray for a snow day.

We live in Texas, so immediately when I heard their request my heart sank. As a mother I wanted them to see their prayers answered as testament to God's ability to say yes and answer prayer! But, I doubted... there was 0% chance of snow in the forecast. Every night they prayed for a snow day I would check the forecast. The 0% chance of snow never budged. The night before it was supposed to reach freezing temperatures in Texas, I was filled with frustration at God after checking the forecast. I was deflated not only for the prayer of a snow day I believed would go unanswered, but for my own unanswered prayers seemingly waiting in a long line for a yes or flat out rejected. I went to bed accepting they would learn the same hard lesson I'd been learning... sometimes God just says no.

The next morning as my eyes slowly fluttered open, I saw a white layer covering absolutely everything in our backyard. Surely, my eyes were adjusting to the morning. But just then, my oldest daughter walked into the room, saw what I thought I couldn't be seeing, and yelled SNOW DAYYYYYYYYYY with all the excitement of the early 2000s Disney movie "Snow Day." With 0% chance of snow in the forecast, while we were sleeping, God answered their prayer. Just when I thought my children were going to be learning a hard lesson, God was teaching me a better one.

Don't allow the world’s forecast determine your outlook on what God can do.

At the Red Sea, with a massive body of water ahead of them and an army behind, God parted the water for the Israelites. In a den filled with Lions intended to ravage Daniel and his friends, God closed mouths and they reclined on beasts meant to rip them to shreds. The night before Peter was to be tried and possibly executed God sent an angel and while Peter was between two soldiers, chains felt off his wrists and he followed an angel out of the prison and out of the city gates.

At any time, in any place, at any moment God can say yes. He is not bound by forecasts whether they be weather related, or dictated by the people you know or the time you think you're up against. He reigns outside of it all. As you pray, do so in confidence and not in fear of denial!

My children didn't check the weather forecast for their prayer to be answered. They came to the feet of the Father every evening and petitioned to him in faith. As you pray this week, go to the Father in confidence knowing that he lives outside of forecasts and expectations and can make a mountain move with the sound of his voice. THAT is the God you pray to!

Questions for Reflection

  1. Reflect on a time when you prayed for something persistently, but circumstances seemed impossible, and you began to lose hope. How did you navigate through that period of waiting and uncertainty?
  2. In the blog, the author emphasizes not allowing the world's forecast to determine our outlook on what God can do. How can you apply this principle to your current circumstances or unanswered prayers? What steps can you take to trust God's sovereignty despite the challenges or seemingly impossible situations you may be facing?
  3. The blog encourages praying with confidence, knowing that God is not bound by forecasts or expectations. How can you cultivate a spirit of confidence in your prayers, trusting in God's ability to answer beyond human limitations? Are there specific areas in your life where you need to shift from fear of denial to confidence in God's power?

Scripture References:

  • Matthew 17:20 (NIV): "He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'"
  • Jeremiah 32:17 (NIV): "'Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.'"
  • Mark 9:23 (NIV): " 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for one who believes."
  • Ephesians 3:20 (NIV): "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

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