


Can We Really Make a Difference When We Pray?

Posted on Mar 10, 2022   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Stormie Omartian

Bestselling author Stormie Omartian wants to teach your daughter how to pray. Join Stormie in helping raise up the next generation of woman prayer warriors. Share this encouraging message about the power of our prayers with your child today. 


The more you come to your Father God to pray, the bigger your faith in God will grow, the more powerful your prayers will become, and the more answers to your prayers you will see. Remember that prayer is not telling God what to do. He knows what to do. But He wants to hear from you about what you hope in your heart He will do. Your prayers are important to Him, and even if you don’t see the results of your prayers immediately, you can trust that your prayers are making a big difference.

Here are some things to remember about praying:

When you pray, it’s like throwing a small rock into a large, still body of water—like a pond or a lake. When the rock goes into the water, you can see ripples flow out from it in all directions. You may not see every ripple, or know where these ripples will end up, but you see something is changing.

When you pray, you don’t see all the effects your prayers are having in the lives of people and situations you pray for—or even in your own life. But things are happening that you don’t always see until later when you look back.

When you pray, it’s like what happens in a football game, when the quarterback throws the football to someone on his team, who is supposed to catch the ball and keep running in the same direction the ball was flying. The person who catches the ball hopes to take it over the goal line for a touchdown. But if someone from the opposing team is able to reach up and catch the ball before it reaches the one who was supposed to catch it, that is called an interception. He intercepted the ball that was going one direction and then turns and runs the ball the other way and makes a touchdown for his team.

When you pray, you might see a situation or person that is perhaps headed in a direction that is not good. But you can reach up with your prayers and intercept what is headed one way and cause it to move in another direction. Even though you may not see what is happening as you pray, you can trust that something powerful is happening.

When you pray, you always make a difference, even though you may not see it at the time. And you don’t have to worry that you might pray the wrong thing. God will never answer your prayer in a wrong way. God never makes a mistake.

You can thank, praise, and worship God anytime you feel the need for more of God’s love, peace, joy, and power in your life. And He will be there with you, blessing you with His presence, and helping you to pray powerful prayers that will make a great difference not only in your own life, but also in the lives of other people and situations you pray for.

Don’t forget how one small stone, thrown in the water, can make many ripples; so one prayer can make many changes. And every time you pray, you are reaching up and intercepting a situation, or person, that may be heading in the wrong direction, but your prayer could be turning it around and heading it in the right direction.

When you pray, you can trust that God heard your prayers because you prayed in Jesus’ name. And you prayed with a clean heart before God because you confessed to Him anything you have done, said, or thought that is wrong. And you asked God to forgive you He always does and He always will, because you are His precious princess. And that’s why you will always make a difference when you pray.


You can download some FREE coloring pages for girls here: Power of a Praying Girl Coloring Pages 

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