


Men's Christian Living

Posted on May 04, 2022     Topic : Men's Christian LivingProphecy

Body Upgrades & Transformation on the Horizon

Scripture reveals we will experience body transformations at the rapture: Even though departing to be with Christ in a disembodied state is far better than life on earth (Philippians 1:21-23), Paul’s true yearning was ultimately to be “clothed” with a physically resurrected body (2 Corinthians 5:6-8). That yearning will be fully satisfied at the rapture.

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Posted on Apr 21, 2022     Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Sing to the Lord: Why Your Child Needs More Than Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes are nice, but learning hymns is a great way to introduce your young child to knowing and worshipping God.   

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