


Christians at a Critical Crossroads

Posted on Mar 16, 2021   Topic : Prophecy
Posted by : Jeff Kinley

The recent and ongoing global crisis has propelled humanity into uncharted waters, and in the process shaken the nations like a worldwide earthquake. Even the experts cannot pinpoint another time in recent history when the entire planet has been so unified and laser-focused on one common cause.

The whole world essentially shut down over Covid-19, derailing our way of life and disrupting education, economies, and quarantining entire nations with mandated facial masks for its citizens.

Billions, including Christians, are asking, “What’s next? Could it get any worse?” Compounding this confusion is that, according to Scripture, we actually are on a collision course with ancient prophecies made thousands of years ago. But how close might we be to their fulfillment?

Not since the days of Noah have we experienced such an unprecedented moment. Good is now seen as evil, while wickedness is considered a virtue (Isaiah 5:20). We continue descending morally, glorifying (even subsidizing and celebrating), the depths of depravity. We are systematically laying the axe to the biblical roots of marriage, civilization, and even the nature of sexuality and gender itself. Geopolitically, strong appeals are being made to form a one world government. The voices of reason and righteousness are being silenced, falling victim to the clutches of “cancel culture.”

So what are believers to do? How do we respond in such an era of global chaos?

Fortunately, Paul offers us Spirit-inspired counsel here. The Thessalonian believers also found themselves stalled in an intersection of confusion and fearful concern, even to the point of their very faith being shaken (2 Thess. 2:2). He outlines several principles for us to embrace and practice in the midst of perplexing times.

1.Believe Scripture, not the other “voices” (2 Thess. 2:1-3). Self-proclaimed prophets, government officials, and cultural beliefs are no match for the clarity of God's revealed word. Therefore we must constantly re-align ourselves with the Bible.

2.We are not yet in the seven-year tribulation period (2 Thess. 2:3-5). The revelation of antichrist and his seven-year peace treaty with Israel will officially set in motion the times of Jacob's trouble (Daniel 9:27). So don't worry that you have been left behind. We may be close, but we’re not there yet.

3.Jesus is returning, and will rescue us from the wrath to come (2:6-8; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 4:13-18; 5:9). We know this event is the Rapture or the Blessed Hope. I believe this occurs prior to the unveiling of Antichrist and the terrible judgments of Revelation 6 through 19. This does not mean Christians won't experience hardship up until that time. Even now, Satan is turning up the heat on Jesus's bride worldwide in an effort to persecute Christ himself (Acts 9:4; Colossians 1:24). And a global persecution of Jews and Christians is prophesied for the tribulation period (Revelation 6:9; 7:14; 12:11-12, 14-17).

4.Now, more than ever, is the time to wake up, stand up, and speak out for truth, righteousness, and the gospel (2:15). Like the Thessalonian believers, we too must “stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught.” In an age of imagined realities and malleable morality, disciples of Jesus must proclaim the real truth.

Faith is the antidote to fear and confusion. This is how we move forward in the days to come, with confidence in Him Who has already prewritten history.

Read more in Aftershocks by Jeff Kinley

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