


Discover the Hidden Value of Patience

Posted on May 18, 2018   Topic : Men's Christian Living
Posted by : Don Hicks

Of all the friends who’ve gone with me to a deer stand, there’s one who has helped me find success more than any other, and I think you’ll be surprised to know that this friend is not a hunter.

I have to wait till there’s enough daylight to shoot, and sometimes I have to wait for the sun to melt the frost off the field so the local herd wants to browse in it. I might have to wait till a dense fog lifts off the meadow. And then I have to wait on the deer to move through—if they do.

Waiting, especially if it requires hours for a critter to come into harvesting range, has a way of messing with important things like concentration, determination, and emotional stamina. Too much waiting can even make inactive muscles turn as stubborn as a cantankerous old mule.

I’ve used things to help me deal with the waiting, including a good book and a small Bible. At times I’ve even tried writing poetry using the pad and pen that are always with me. But try as I may by using these tactics, ultimately I’ve found that only one thing helps me endure the grind of waiting—patience!

Patience is a true friend

He (a masculine reference because it’s like having a hunting buddy with me) is willing to sit with me the entire time I’m out there waiting. He doesn’t scold me when I get antsy. Instead of making me feel defeated, patience gently reminds me that the wait is an invaluable part of the hunt.

Patience reminds me that when I wait, God can whisper to me through His written Word

He tenderly helps me remember that the Book of books is in my backpack and that waiting provides a great opportunity to take it out and hear what nugget of wisdom the Holy Spirit might impart as I listen through the pages.

Patience is kind enough to suggest that waiting on a deer stand is a great time to pray

There are plenty of folks who could use an uplift in prayer, like my ailing friend whom I need to call. Then there’s my beloved wife, our children and grandchildren, the members of the congregation I shepherd, our spiritually ill nation, and our leaders, who could definitely use some prayer while I wait.

I want to be more like my friend patience, not only in the woods but also in the rest of life, especially as I wait for the Lord of all creation to show up—Christ Jesus. What would my friend suggest as I tarry?

He’d say, “Be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord” (James 5:7).

And so I will.

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