


Do You Believe the Lies about Heaven?

Posted on Aug 22, 2017   Topic : Men's Christian Living
Posted by : Clay Jones

Many years ago, an undergrad fought back tears as she confessed to me that she was afraid she didn’t want to go to heaven. That surprised me, and when I related this to a twenty-something staffer, he replied, “I’ve had the same fear.” I’ve since learned that many Christians actually fear heaven. And if that’s the case, then it should be of no surprise that there are non-Christians who do not find heaven appealing.

Satan is conspiring to keep us from the kingdom of heaven, and one of his successful ploys has been to present heaven as a place no one in their right mind would want to go. Here are several lies about heaven that need to be unmasked.

Myth 1: Heaven is LonelyWe Won’t Recognize Anyone

Scripture often pictures our reunion with Jesus as a banquet (Isaiah 25:6; Mark 14:25; Revelation 19:9). We will certainly enjoy God, but we will also enjoy each other through eternity.

Myth 2: Heaven Is HurtfulToo Many Painful Memories

As for things done to us or to others—miseries, injustices, hatreds, and agonies—we will see these wrongs redeemed in remarkable ways (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Myth 3: Heaven Is DrearyFull of Nerds and Prudes

The misrepresentation that God is antipleasure here on earth makes Christians fear eternity in heaven. God isn’t opposed to pleasure; rather, He opposes its misuse.

Myth 4: Heaven Is Drab—Everything Is White

If anything, heaven is jewel-toned! In describing heaven, John mentions just about every beautiful stone known at the time, and I wonder how many colors he could not describe at all (Revelation 4:3).

Myth 5: Heaven Is LessNo Taste, Touch, or Smell

Philippians 3:21 says that Jesus “will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body.” After His resurrection, He was touched, He hugged, and He ate with the disciples. Thus, we will not have a body incapable of physical contact or be unable to enjoy eating and drinking.

Myth 6: Heaven Has No Diversity—Just Angels

Indeed, it was the Lord who created toucans, tigers, tropical fish, the aardvark, and the ostrich. He knows we enjoy being with other creatures.

Myth 7: Heaven Is Tedious—All We Will Do Is Sing

Praise is our natural response when we find something valuable or meaningful, and God—the Creator of hummingbirds, roses, waterfalls, and star clusters—is supremely praiseworthy.

Oxford philosopher Richard Swinburne says that “heaven is a place where people enjoy eternally a supremely worthwhile happiness.” And what makes people happy? Swinburne says happiness consists of a person “doing what he wants to be doing and having happen what he wants to have happen.” Our heavenly occupation therefore—reigning with Christ—will result in happiness because we will have the opportunity to do the supremely meaningful forever.

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