


Does God Care About Our Physical Bodies?

Posted on Jun 06, 2024   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living
Posted by : Harvest House Publishers

Jesus gives us prime examples of taking care of and using our bodies for his glory. Here are two devotional excerpts from Five-Minute Devotions for Men that touch on God’s concern for our bodies.

Devotion #1: Refreshed by God

“[Elijah] prayed that he might die…Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said,“Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water.” 1 Kings 19:4-6 NIV

Sometimes we ask ourselves, Is God really interested in my physical welfare? Does He care if I eat or sleep? Yes, God does care for our personal needs on a daily basis. Much of the four Gospels deals with eating and sleeping. In many situations of everyday life, Jesus had the same basic needs we do. After a hard day’s work or journey, He was hungry, thirsty, and sleepy. We serve a God who, through Jesus, experienced the same daily requirements we have.

We must learn to trust Jesus with all of our needs. We don’t have to doubt or wonder if He takes care of us, even in the little things in life. Clearly, Scripture shows us that He cares for us and will provide for the smallest of our needs.

What are some of your smallest needs? Trust God to provide for those concerns and refresh you whenever you’re weary.

Today’s Action

Consider how God has both provided for and refreshed you in the past.


Father God, thank You for being interested in my needs. Iappreciate Your concern, and I know You’ll both provide what Ineed and bring me refreshment. Amen.

Devotion #2: Strong, Gentle Hands

“He showed them his hands.” Luke 24:40 NIV

Do you take your hands for granted? Are your fingers and thumbs just ten appendages that happen to be there? Sometimes we don’t really appreciate what God has given us. We do so much with our hands, but even the slightest injury makes us aware of the importance of a finger, a thumb, or our palm. We can’t lift, tie, open,squeeze, or perform many other tasks if we can’t manipulate our hands as God created them to be used.

While Jesus walked this earth, His hands were, of course, human. And because of His carpentry trade and journeying in the hot, Mediterranean climate of the Middle East, they were most likely strong and rough. Yet they blessed little children, and they touched the sick and made them well in mind, spirit, and body. In John 10:28, Jesus Himself gives us an image of His saving hands, both then and now: “I give them eternal life,and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hands” (NIV).

On the cross, the wounded hands of Jesus paid the price for our sins. As we look at our hands today, may we remember the price Jesus paid with His.

Today’s Action

Look at your hands and thank God for creating them to do so many things.


Father God, I thank You for my hands.May I use them to Your glory. Amen.

Five-Minute Devotions for Men is a collection of brief, powerful devotions that provide guidance for shaping godly character on a wide variety of topics, such as parenting, dealing with negativity, being dependable, trusting in God’s provision, choosing to receive and give grace, growing in faith, and much more.

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