


Does Your Child Think the Bible Is Boring?

Posted on May 07, 2019   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Kyle Hatfield

One of the most important tasks a Christian parent faces is keeping their kids interested in the Bible. And it’s a difficult job, considering all the flashy and bright things trying to attract the attention of our children. With a whole world of entertainment at our fingertips, is the Bible just too boring and irrelevant for our day?

The answer to that question is a definite, “No.” The Bible is not boring or irrelevant. If our kids think it is, then we simply need to help them see God's Word in a new light.

Enter Bible Infographics for Kids. We set out to make the Bible come alive in illuminating ways. We wanted it to be something so fun and engaging that even parents would try to steal the book from their kids and read it. And many families have let us know that we delivered on both counts!

How do you follow up such a great success? You create a sequel that’s even more bold and even more funBible Infographics for Kids: Volume 2.

This book tackles many of the big dichotomies of the Bible: light and dark; heroes and villains; angels and demons; heaven and hell; and so much more. It’s not afraid to teach kids about mind-bending subjects like the Trinity, the two natures of Jesus, and the afterlife. And all this information is taught through bright and clever images along with that signature Bible Infographics for Kids wit.

We hope you enjoy volume two as much as the first one and that it shows you how amazing the Bible truly is. You might as well buy two copies so you don’t have to steal your child's book!

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