


Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Posted on Nov 12, 2020   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Clayton King

How many times have you been frustrated with a situation, hoping that God would intervene, and then realized that you forgot to ask Him for help in the first place? God knows our needs, but still wants us to approach Him with our requests. These short devotions from One-Minute Prayers for Young Men were written for teens but are great reminders for all ages about the need to pray. 


Ask for It

Now imagine what God is capable of giving you! Don’t hesitate to ask Him when you have a need. Do you feel weird asking God for things? I do, especially when I consider all He’s already given me. But He never gets tired of blessing us with good gifts. For my thirty-eighth birthday, an old friend asked me what I wanted. Flippantly, I said, “Box seats to a Dallas Cowboys game, the best steak in Texas, and my three best friends tagging along.” Imagine my surprise when he told me to clear my calendar and inform my friends that we were heading to Texas!

Jesus, You gave Your life for me and I know You love me. Give me the courage to ask You when I have a need only You can meet. Remind me that nothing is too hard for You and that You delight in answering me when I ask You for things only You can provide.

Ask Again

It’s easy to become frustrated when we ask for help, only to be ignored or forgotten. Nothing angers me more than to be on hold with the power company or the credit-card company, with a simple question, and to have them accidentally hang up on me. In that situation, if I want assistance, I have to call them back. I have to ask again. Eventually, I get the help I need.

Don’t give up on God just because He doesn’t answer your question or meet your request the first time you ask. He may be teaching you tenacity. Ask again. Call back. He is not ignoring you.

God, show me how to keep praying, even when I feel like You don’t hear me. Help me overcome my frustration with how You handle things and trust Your wisdom in my situation. Help me to keep asking.

Ask Why You’re Asking

God weighs our motives. He knows everything we do and He knows why we do everything we do (and why we pray for certain things). And He sees every possible outcome of all the prayers we pray. Like a daddy refusing to buy his 17-year-old son a new Corvette he can’t handle, God loves us too much to always say yes to all our requests. This truth can help you understand why God sometimes says no. Maybe the reason God’s not answering your prayer is because you’re praying for the wrong reason. Instead of giving up, ask yourself why you’re praying that prayer in the first place. If God always said yes to your prayers, would you be the primary person to benefit? If so, you may be praying selfishly.

Today I want to be mindful of my desires. God, help me question the secret motivations of my heart. Shine Your light of conviction upon my selfish agendas. Teach me to ask for things that help others and bring You glory. Give me understanding when You say no.

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