


Fill Her Heart With God’s Truth

Posted on Apr 12, 2016   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Shelia Walsh

God’s Word contains powerful, self-esteem building wisdom for girls, including how to identify the truth. Share this post with your daughter or a special tween girl in your life today.


Noooo! Not another true-or-false quiz! Caroline squeezed her pencil and drummed her feet on the floor. These are always so confusing! Caroline wasn’t a big fan of tests, but she especially didn’t like true-or-false tests. Multiple choice tests were okay. You could usually eliminate a few answers, and that gave you a pretty good chance at figuring out the correct one. But true or false? You had a 50/50 chance of getting it right, which also meant you had a 50/50 chance of getting it wrong. 

Caroline slowly started filling in the answers, going back and erasing this answer and rethinking that answer. By the time the bell rang, she still hadn’t finished the test. She hurriedly filled in the last two answers, put her test on the teacher’s desk, and then slumped out of the classroom. 

“That was so easy!” she heard one of the other kids exclaim. “I love true-or-false tests. I hate it when we have to write out our answers.” 

Not me, Caroline thought. Give me a fill-in-the-blanks test any day. True-or-false tests are so confusing! 


If you’re like Caroline and have a hard time figuring out true-or-false tests, I have some good news for you. God’s truth is easy to believe! In His Word, He clearly tells us what is true so we can fill our hearts with His truth. 

Sometimes, though, things happen that make it a little bit hard for us to figure out what is the truth and what is a lie. You may be going through a hard time with your friendships, trying to figure out who is a true friend and who isn’t. That’s really common with girls your age as they start discovering who they are. Or a friend has different rules in her house than you have in yours, and you’re wondering what you should do when you play at her house. 

It basically comes down to recognizing the difference between right and wrong, which can be hard sometimes when you hear different things from different people. So how can you know what the real truth—God’s truth—is? Here are some great ways of figuring it out: 

Read your Bible—you can even read it out loud. It’s good for us to hear the Word of God. 

Write out your favorite Bible verses and post them everywhere—in your room, on your bathroom mirror, on your walls. You can even paint them on a canvas that you buy in a craft store. 

Look for specific verses about God’s love and truth—a great place to start is the Psalms. I find so much encouragement in them. 

Buy a great devotional—one written for girls your age—and go through it with your best friend or your mom or dad. 

Pray—Ask God to reveal the truth to you. He promises to help you. 

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my God and Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. PSALM 25:5

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