


Finding Your Place in the Greatest Story Ever Told

Posted on Jul 06, 2021   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living

We all have a story to tell. And though this post is meant to be shared with your child, this tale of God's incredible love for is intended for all ages. It's never too late to step into the story God has written for you. 


Star Wars. The Avengers. Harry Potter.

Other than making a ton of money, what do these film franchises have in common?

They all tell stories. Exciting stories. Thrilling stories. Compelling stories. Once you start watching, you can’t stop. That’s the power of a good story.

But story is not just something you read on a page or watch in a theater. Story is also something you live. You have a story. Everyone you know has a story. Even God has a story.

Let’s start with God. How can we even begin? Well, how do you make friends with someone you meet on the first day of school? You might ask them a question about something you notice, like the type of sandwich they are eating, and then they ask you a question. Before long, you begin to understand who they are. You know their story. When you know someone’s story, you know them. When they know your story, they know you.

This is true about God too.If you were to meet God face to face, you might ask him, “Could you tell me about yourself?” God might reply, “Have a seat and kick up your feet—it’s going to take a while. Ready? Here goes…” The story he would tell you is found in only one place – the Bible.

When you hear the word “Bible,” do you yawn? Do you think of it as a list of rules to obey or a bunch of boring old stories?


We want to let you in on a secret: There is an incredible, interesting, powerful story in the Bible, just waiting for you to discover it. The Bible tells God's Great Story.

And it is epic.

The Creator creating this world at the sound of a word. The world falling into darkness because of human sin and evil. God redeeming it all,bringing the world back to himself and making it perfect. It’s all in God’s Great Story.

It’s a tale that stretches from creation to re-creation, from Genesis to Revelation, from beginning to end—and even on to a new beginning that will never end.

In a nutshell, here is God’s Great Story: God created a world of humans he could know and love, and though they got lost in stubbornness and rebellion, he brought them back to himself through his own sacrificial love.

And you? What about your story? Do you ever lie in bed at night and ask, “What is happening? Why is my story taking all these twists and turns?” You may think about today’s bloopers, yesterday’s blow-ups, or last year’s blunders. You want to make sense of it all.

If you want answers, it will help to look beyond your own life and experiences. Learn to look at your story in light of God’s Story, which is the only way your story will ever make sense! Believe it or not, God has an exciting part for you to play in his story! He wants you to see it too. And look forward to it. And embrace it.

So have a seat and listen up. God is about to tell you his Great Story. You’re about to find your place in it. What are you waiting for?

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