


Gettin’ Old Ain’t for Wimps…But Having a Sense of Humor Sure Helps!

Posted on Oct 06, 2022   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Karen O'Connor

Oh those golden years! There are times when they glitter and times when they’re a bit lackluster. Health problems, financial concerns, and relationship challenges can tarnish an otherwise happy day. On the other hand, we’re generally confident in who we are, know how to enjoy life, have children and grandchildren to keep us young, and are wise enough to laugh at our foibles!

I hope you’ll enjoy this lighthearted story as an inspiration to warm your heart and tickle your funny bone. I also included a scripture and prayer to nurture your spirit and turn your eyes to the One who made us, who numbered our days, and who promises clearly that he will never leave us nor forsake us—right up to our last breath… and beyond.

Fast Getaway

Reena regretted that she never learned to drive, but at age 71 she wasn’t about to take lessons. In one way she missed the independence that driving brings, but in another way she enjoyed having others drive her to the store, to doctors’ appointments, and so on.

One Saturday morning her daughter’s husband stopped by to fix a leaking pipe. While he was there, Reena asked if he’d mind driving her to the grocery store so she could stock up for the weekend.

“Be glad to,” he said, “as soon as I’m finished.”

An hour later the two were on their way, Brad behind the wheel of his pickup and Reena in the passenger seat, grocery list in hand.

He pulled into the parking lot of Shop ’n Save and Reena slid out. “Give me 20 minutes,” she said. “I don’t want to hold you up.”

“No problem,” Brad said. “I’ll just put my head back and listen to the radio. Take your time.”

Reena rushed around the market, plopping one item after another into her grocery cart. There was a long line at the check-out lane, and she worried about keeping Brad away from home too long.

Finally it was her turn. The checker rang up her items, Reena paid, and then hurried out the door. She rushed through the parking lot as quickly as she could while steering the cart with wobbly wheels. “Just my luck to get this one,” she moaned.

She stopped for a moment to be sure she was going down the correct aisle. Then she spotted the white pickup and headed right to it. Reena plopped her bag into the cab in back and jumped in the passenger seat. She fastened the seat belt and turned to the driver. “Okay. Mission accomplished. Let’s get out of here… oh my gosh, you’re not Brad! Who are you?”

A huge grin broke across the driver’s face. “I was going to ask you the same question! Where to? Sounds like you have something fun planned.”

Reena was suddenly hot all over. She grabbed the door handle and popped out. “I’m so sorry,” she called through the window. “Your truck looks just like my son-in-law’s.”

Just then Brad pulled up, laughing so hard he could hardly contain himself. “Going my way?” he shouted.

Reena reached for her bag of groceries, hoisted it out of the other man’s cab, and held it tight as she slid into Brad’s truck. Off they went, laughing all the way home.

Then you will lift up your face without shame; you will stand firm and without fear (Job 11:15).

Lord, these senior moments are becoming more and more embarrassing. I’m grateful I can hold up my head with you no matter what I do. Amen.

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