


God is Speaking, But Are You Listening?

Posted on Oct 06, 2020   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Jenny Randle

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I knew I missed it.

This job would be an excellent opportunity to further my career in the “business," as they say in Hollywood. Yet as I stood there frozen, pretending to throw down a power pose in my fancy business suit and heels, my confidence flew out the window as fast as the director yelled, “Cut!”.

Not only did I walk right on set of the prime-time TV show I was interviewing for, I walked directly into their shot!

After ruining their “million-dollar shot”, the crew scrambled to reset, actors returned to their marks, and I ran out of frame wondering how my steps could be so misaligned.

I missed the signs warning me there was an active set, the directions for the best route, and I didn’t even hear the director’s voice at all.

Not being fully present cost me something…. and it was more than just my ego.

Does this sound familiar within our faith sometimes?

We miss God speaking or ignore His signs because we’re:

A) too busy

B) distracted

C) disconnected

D) or all of the above

The most important director of my life is speaking, and I don’t want to miss it! So, I’ve spent the last twenty years going on a journey discovering what it really looks like to embrace God fully, authentically, and biblically.

God typically doesn’t sound like the voice of Morgan Freeman booming from the heavens. Sometimes we hear God within as a still, small voice that’s a firm inner prompting. Other times His voice is roaringly obvious through external situations and as we study Scripture and understand the character of Christ.

I’ve found that as I make big life decisions, like should I take that job, or move to Hollywood? these seven questions have helped myself, and others, hear God’s voice and discern His will for our lives.

I so cleverly deemed these the Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself Test (for life’s biggest decisions):

1.Does what I am considering agree with Scripture?

2.Will this situation bring me closer to God?

3.What do my spiritual leaders think about this situation?

4.What is the still, small voice of God saying to me?

5.What circumstances are surrounding this situation?

6.What do my trusted friends and family say about this?

7.What response will bring peace?

As we’re getting to know God’s voice, it’s time to become fully alive as we discover Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. God is speaking, don’t miss it!


Part of this has been adapted from Jenny Randle’s newest interactive book Getting to Know God’s Voice: Discover the Holy Spirit in Your Everyday Life. Sign-up for Jenny’s FREE 5-Day Quiet the Chaos Email Challenge to hear God over the loudness of life.

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