


How a Short Prayer Can Spark a Big Change of Heart

Posted on Nov 14, 2017   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Lisa Whittle

I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.
Psalm 143:6 (esv)

There are times in our lives when things look dark, and of ourselves, we are unable to find even a crack of light. Maybe your heart is desperately crying out for a reprieve from pain, and reaching for God seems like it may be the only way. It’s true; it is. Whatever our angst, whatever eats away at our souls, whatever threatens our ability to have joy and peace in life, Jesus is the sole solution.

God hears this simple, five-word prayer: I reach out for You. He does not turn away from this cry of our hearts. There is desperation in this prayer, as it is the turning to God for help and hope. He responds without fail. There is intention in this prayer, and intention is something God always honors. There is an understanding that He is the one to save, and this is a holy requirement for the rescue to become complete.

This short prayer has the power to spark life-altering movement, which is why our flesh fights against it. God is the first thing we should reach for when we are hurting. Yet He is often our last resort. Gracious God that He is, He is available without judgment in either space. Whenever we reach for Him, rest assured, He is there.

- Don’t hold back when you reach for God. Bring your most honest, guttural self to Him. He already knows where you are. He can handle it, no matter how deep and dark it gets.

- Come expectant when you reach for God. God never under-delivers. In fact, He does more than you could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). You will never be disappointed with God, no matter how many other people have let you down in your life.

- Be ready to change when you reach out for God. Come humble. Come open to hear, even if you’re going to hear about hard things, things that need to be shifted inside you. Desperation brought you here, so do the heart work to honor that dark place so God can truly make you better.

When we reach out to God, we find the hope and peace our souls long for. May this be our prayer in times of both great bounty and in days of dark, desperate need: Jesus, I reach out for You.

Read more in 5-Word Prayers by Lisa Whittle

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