


How Abiding in Christ Helps You Fulfill Your Destiny

Posted on Oct 24, 2019   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Prophecy
Posted by : Tony Evans

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.
John 15:4 (ɴᴀsʙ)

You discover who you are when you discover who God is as He operates in you. You discover who you are when you recognize the new creation inside you.

When you trusted in Jesus Christ for your salvation, God deposited His life inside you in spirit form. He deposited His living seed. We read in 1 Peter, “You have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God” (1:23).

Your new identity in Christ was placed in you in seed form. James writes about this seed that came through the Word of God: “In humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls” (James 1:21).

But in order for that seed to realize its destiny, it needs to grow.

Many believers are not living out the truest manifestation of their destinies because the seed of the new creation within them is not growing. Yes, they attend church, read their Bibles, and practice a number of spiritual activities, but their destiny is in the seed. It is not in the activities.

Let’s say I am holding a watermelon seed in my hand, and I want to see it grow so I can have some watermelon. So I decide to pray over my watermelon seed. After I pray, I recruit a number of other people who will join with me as I hold my watermelon seed and pray again. Then I decide we are going to open up our Bibles and read what Scripture has to say about how God created the plants of the earth.

After we read our Bibles, I decide to take my watermelon seed to church and set it on the very first pew in the front row, and I preach over that watermelon seed, telling it that I want it to become a watermelon.

When all is said and done, nothing has changed with my watermelon seed because I performed religious activities without placing my seed in the soil. In order for that seed to grow, it has to be positioned in soil that will enable its growth.

Your new creation, the new seed planted within you, will grow in the soil of a relationship with Jesus Christ in connection with His Word. This is called abiding. To abide with something means to hang out with it or to loiter around it. In order to truly experience all that God has prepared for you, you need to hang out with the One who holds your destiny in His hands.

Christ in you provides the soil for your seed of new life to be nourished and grow. When you abide in Christ, you don’t have to force yourself to develop, and you don’t have to make things come together. With the right seed in the right soil and the water of the Word, you will grow into your destiny.

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