


How Can You Make Your Home Well Ordered and Organized? Start SMART

Posted on Jul 18, 2023   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living

Your home is your special place to live life. Whether you’re living in your dream home or a small apartment, the same rule should apply to getting yourself organized: Make the most of the space you have.

Organization isn’t just about setting up a storage system. It’s about designing a home that truly reflects your family. By using pieces that are pleasing to your eye, you’ll actually enjoy maintaining your space. The systems you select become a way to showcase your style and keep your home under control at the same time.

Best of all, as you organize your home, you also organize your life. You don’t waste time searching for missing items. Your surfaces are clearer, so your mind feels clearer too. You’re not afraid to entertain friends or neighbors. Your home won’t be perfect, but that’s okay. That’s not the point. It will be presentable and comfortable and a place you’re proud to call your own.

As we journey through the spaces of our homes, beginning with the entryway, you’ll begin to catch a vision of the best organizing plan for you and your loved ones. You may feel most at home with lots of empty space and room to breathe. Or you may be content with a cozy amount of treasures, wanting to be surrounded by a comfortable amount of stuff. No matter your preference, you’ll learn to look at your home with a practiced eye, determining what you truly use and what you could do without.

After you’ve cleared the clutter, you can establish some simple habits and routines that keep your home—and your life—well ordered and organized. Simple organizing is about making the most of the space you have and creating a home that works for your family so you can get on to the most important things in life! The things that aren’t things at all. That’s the heart behind simple organizing.


Take a look around your home. Do your spaces look tidy, organized, and welcoming? Or do clutter and chaos take center stage? Don’t worry if you answered “clutter and chaos.” You’re not alone.

Every day we make choices that contribute to disorder in our homes. We put things down instead of putting them away. We fail to create designated spaces for our stuff . We put off picking up until the next day—and then we run out of time. And that’s okay. We can’t expect perfection every single day. When you’re not sure what to do first, set just one goal. When you’re feeling wishy-washy or indecisive about what to do next, take one specific step. I recommend starting in your entryway—the space that visitors (and you and your family!) see when you first walk into your house. Then choose just one thing to improve or organize. It might be a pile of discarded shoes or a stack of mail or all the stuff you need to walk your dog. 

You’ll be successful in your organizing if you remember to let go of the perfect solution and commit to just a simple one. A foolproof way to do this is by setting goals that are SMART:

S—Specific: Get rid of the pile of shoes cluttering up the entry instead of simply lining them up over and over again.

M—Measurable: Pare down what is kept in this space, allowing only one pair of shoes per family member to be left in the entry.

A—Achievable: Find a storage system so you can keep the shoes in the entry but allow them to stay hidden.

R—Realistic: Don’t set an unnecessary goal, such as designing an elaborate shoe storage system for multiple pairs of shoes per person. Fewer shoes and less mess in the entry is the goal, not more storage for more stuff .

T—Time Limited: Set a timeline for steps and completion, such as 30 minutes in the morning or afternoon.

Start with the entryway—and start SMART. Make a series of small, simple goals to kick out the chaos and get your home simply organized.

Read more in Simply Home by Melissa Michaels

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