


How God Can Make Your Broken Pieces Beautiful

Posted on Jun 02, 2016   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Stormie Omartian

When you receive Jesus, the light of His Spirit is in you, so you always have His light as long as you don’t reject it. But if you want all of the benefits, you must deliberately stay in His light. Not living God’s way gets you off that well-lit path.

When I first began getting free of my past, I still couldn’t see much of a future for myself. I knew I had new life, but I also saw how much damage I had done trying to live life on my own terms—trying to meet my own needs my own way.

I didn’t want to be ungrateful for all that He had done for me, but one night I wept before Him saying, “Lord, You’ve given me hope and peace and eternal life, and I am forever grateful. But as far as my life ever amounting to anything, how can that ever be? Is it too late for me?”

God met me where I was that night and said, “I am a Redeemer. I redeem all things. I make all things new. Whatever you’ve lost, I will restore. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. It doesn’t matter what’s happened to you. I can take all your hurt, pain, and scars. I can not only heal them, I can make them count for something.”

My tears flowed as if they were endless. How could God ever accomplish all of that? I wondered. Yet I believed that all things are possible with God, and I’d seen Him do miracles in my life. His words gave me hope.

That kind of redemption didn’t happen overnight. It happened step by step as I learned to walk in the light of the Lord—completely submitted to Him and His ways—and allow Him to take me to places I couldn’t get to on my own.

Isn’t it wonderful to know that when we look at the pieces of our lives and say, “I’ve destroyed this marriage.” “I’ve messed up this relationship.” “I’ve damaged this child.” “I’ve ruined my health.” “I wasted so many years.” “I’ve made bad choices and terrible decisions.” “I’ve chosen my own way over God’s ways.” “This was stolen from me.” “That was lost to me.” “My life is a mess of scattered pieces,” that the Lord meets us where we are and says, “I have all of the pieces to your life right here in My hand. If you will look to Me, and follow Me, I will put them all together again. And not only that, I will make them all count for something.”

That’s what He did in my life, and I know He can do it in yours.

This is the vision God gave me regarding this—for you as well as for me. You may see your life today in countless pieces, like broken glass on the ground. But when you completely surrender your life to the Lord, He will take all those pieces of your life and create the most exquisite stained glass window through which His light can shine.

Be inspired by God’s work in Stormie’s life...

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