


How Revelation Can Motivate You Today

Posted on Jan 02, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Prophecy, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Boyd Bailey

Sometimes I scratch my head while seeking to understand practical applications for my life from the prophetic book of Revelation. The figurative imagery and symbolism can be confusing, even overwhelming.

But the more I interpret Scripture with Scripture—and the more I pray over the futuristic words in this last book of the Bible—the more I take to heart God’s promises. As I reflect on the perseverance and love of the exiled and elderly disciple John, he challenges me to endure hardships and love radically. Revelation provides a godly motivation!

Verse 19 of chapter 1 gives us a three-part outline of the entire book of Revelation. The first section tells us what John has seen, which is the exalted Christ described in chapter 1. The second section explains “what is now,” as John addresses the condition of the seven churches of Asia in chapters 2 and 3. The third and last section of Revelation includes chapters 4 to 22, which cover “what will take place later”—the second coming of Jesus and His millennial reign. Revelation motivates us to focus on Christ glorified and His bride, the church.

Life today tends to trump life tomorrow, making it difficult to be motivated by events way off in the future. But what if respecting the future could clarify our present circumstances and give us hope to endure?

Hope is heaven’s remedy for needy souls.

Hope in God for peace—not in the troubles of this world. Hope in God for security—not in unreliable economies. Hope in God for forgiveness—not in unmerciful people. Revelation can motivate a life of abundance right now!

We are also compelled to praise the Lord in the glory of His holy majesty when we experience the radical worship graphically and emotionally depicted in Revelation. Here we see Almighty God worshipped for His resounding victory over the enemy. We worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords—not the kings of earth who lord their power and wealth over their citizens. We are motivated to worship because one day we will bow in worship at the Lamb’s marriage supper.


For our Lord God Almighty reigns.

Let us rejoice and be glad

and give him glory!

For the wedding of the Lamb has come,

and his bride has made herself ready.

Revelation 19:6-7

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