


How Simply Showing Up Can Be the Best Thing You Do

Posted on Apr 12, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Elisa Pulliam

Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:25


Are you tempted to forsake gathering together with other Christians? Maybe skip church? Or avoid a small group or Bible study commitment?

Even as an extrovert, there are times I want to withdraw from community life. It’s not that being with people taps me out, but rather that doing life together can sometimes be so messy, making me want to run for the hills. Can you relate? But that desire to run doesn’t mean we should give in to it.

We often need to dive into community knowing that God is about the business of accomplishing His work even in the midst of our mess. I learned that lesson on a Sunday when I was tempted to skip church after a week of travel but remembered I promised to bring a side dish to small group meeting after service. Without a valid out, I kicked it into high gear and we made barely made it church on time. I sat through the sermon arguing with God about the value of showing up, since my heart wasn’t in it, but got no answer at all…until the end of our small group time. The topic from the sermon combined with the video we watched in our group spurred on an authentic time of sharing. One couple finally let their pain come to the surface and boldly asked for support. We gathered around them and prayed for God’s healing and leading. The relief on their faces proved to me that encouragement is something that can only happen when we show up.

Simply by gathering together, we become an encouragement to each other.

Should we be surprised that such a little act of obedience could reap such a blessing?


Hebrews 10:19-39


God, I will not neglect meeting together with my brothers and sisters in Christ, so I may be an encourager and receive encouragement. Please forgive me for my stubbornness and the times I run from what You say is best. Give me the conviction and courage to heed Your Word, especially when it comes to gathering together with my brothers and sisters in Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.


What does it look like for you to not forsake gathering together with believers, even if being fully present is simply an act of obedience to God?

Read more in Unblinded Faith by Elisa Pulliam

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