


How to Achieve Your Goals in the New Year

Posted on Nov 26, 2019   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Melissa Michaels

Would you like to start intentionally creating healthy changes and live a life you love?

Did you know that our two dwellings—home and body—are interdependent? When we nurture one, we support the other. When we honor both, we change our lives. This begins when we identify and develop healthy habits that serve us as individuals. And it’s accomplished through intentional baby steps, one day at a time, one month at a time, one year at a time (rinse and repeat), leading us to a new path…and it’s a great one. I promise. 

Without intending to, many of us delay prioritizing our well-being for a future season of life—an action that compounds the difficulties we currently struggle with. Good news! You can begin your journey right now. Your year of dwelling well starts today, no matter what day it is. No more putting off the life you long to experience.  

Here's some areas and sample goals to inspire you. The positivity you dwell on will overflow into real change in your home, body, and soul. It will inspire you to live a different story this year— the story I know you are ready to create. '

Be Well,

Goals for the Year

Healthy Body Goals

New habits I want to form:
Example: Include cardio and strength exercise each week.

Unhealthy habits to quit:
Example: Late-night snacking and screen time.

I will practice self-care by:
Example: Replacing negative self-talk with nourishing words.

Healthy Home Goals

How I want my home to feel: 
Example: Clean, intentional, and inviting.

Spaces I want to refresh:
Example: Master bedroom to inspire better rest.

Traditions I want to start:
Example: Sharing grace and gratitude when at the dining table.

Healthy Connection Goals

Who I want to connect with this year:
Example: Extended family and a friend I miss

Specific ways I will extend kindness:
Example: Grocery shop with my elderly neighbor

Joyful reason to open my home and life to community:
Example: I will celebrate seasons and friends by hosting our couples' group this spring. 

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