


How to Avoid Life in the Rough: An Insider Lesson from Golf

Posted on Apr 13, 2023   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Steve Chapman

Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. (1 Corinthians 10:12 nkjv)

Two words I mutter to myself from time to time on the practice range often bring to mind the apostle Paul’s warning to the Corinthians noted in today’s verse. Those words are, “Just when!”

To explain, it’s when I think I’ve found a fix in my swing—perhaps a slight tweak in my grip or my takeaway—that results in a half‑dozen string of well‑hit shots. Then, as excitement swells at the prospect of reaching a new level of consistency, suddenly the next ball flies way left, or way right, or goes dribbling pitifully a few yards in front of where I stand.

Puzzled by not knowing what went horribly wrong and feeling my ego deflate like a party balloon that got in the way of a stick pin, I mumble with disgust, “Just when.”

That’s my short way of saying, “Just when I thought I had this game all figured out and I am ready to apply for a tour card, get a manager, and hire a caddie, I fall back into a swing‑damaging habit.”

For a span of a few shots I thought I stood faultless and my swing would never fail me again. The truth is, I was distracted by a belief that I was better than I am. I didn’t “take heed” that I was capable of forgetting the basics and thinking only of the glory that can come with a well‑hit driver or iron.

The practice range is not the only place to have a “just when” moment. It can happen off the course too. For example, we can have a few victories over a certain sin—such as an addiction to alcohol, pornography, or gambling—and begin to proudly think we’ve conquered the problem. Then, while pompously basking in the distracting glow of success, we forget that the enemy of our souls still lurks nearby with temptation. Next thing that happens is, the ball of joy is heading into the deep rough.

The question is, how can we avoid the “just when” moments in our lives? The first step is to understand that, just like in golf, where we are bound to go out of bounds on occasion, so it is true as followers of Christ. We are smart to embrace the “take heed lest you fall” warning and accept the fact that none of us are beyond being tempted.

That admission will then lead to trusting and leaning on the gracious promise that follows in the next verse: “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13 nkjv).

How good of God to include such an incredibly encouraging and comforting assurance to His followers that He recognizes our weaknesses and is willing to help us get through them. And adding to that good news, just like our bad shots on the course can have an escape route, so it is with temptation. He’ll provide a way of escape so that we can get back on the fairway of righteousness.

Heavenly Father, I thank You that You reveal Your strong love for me in my weaknesses. I confess I am prone to proudly think I can stand alone against temptation, but I know it’s not true. How good of You to not allow me to be tempted beyond that which I am able to handle. When I am tempted, I will lean on You to help me see the way of escape You provide. Blessed be Your name for such kindness. Amen.

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