


How to Live Out a Strong and Influential Marriage

Posted on Jul 13, 2017   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living

Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
James 4:7 (ɴᴀsʙ)

If you are a believer and you are married, you’re in a battle whether you realize it or not. The battle is for your unity to be destroyed, your love to be diminished, and ultimately your marriage to fail.

Marriage is a foundational covenant created by God through which He manifests His presence and power in a unique way. Strong marriages lead to strong families. Strong families raise up a strong next generation. Satan would like nothing more than to do what he did in the Garden of Eden, tearing apart the family unit by inciting blame and undermining trust and respect. We all know what this led to—the removal of Adam and Eve from the garden and later the murder of one of their children by a sibling.

To say that spiritual warfare happens in the home is an understatement. The home, and particularly marriage, is a hotbed of Satan’s tactics and techniques. Whoever owns the family owns the future. You can see why the devil would like to bring destruction to marriage.

Your task is to walk in your God-given authority so you are enabled to live out a strong and influential marriage. And you do that through prayer.

Remember as you pray that you do not pray as a beggar, but as a warrior for the King of kings. You have power over your enemy when you pray. You probably have more power than you realize.

Your part in carrying out spiritual warfare on behalf of your marriage can change the course of your personal history, your family, your church, your community, and even our nation.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer for Your Marriage

Jesus, You have already won this battle. You have already gone through the pain, betrayal, death, and resurrection that were required to secure my victory over Satan. My submission to You and alignment under You cause the devil to flee. They cause temptation to turn around and leave.

Therefore, I pray that my spouse and I will humbly live in submission to You and Your rule over our lives. Let our words, thoughts, and actions conform to Your will. Give us the grace of humility to seek You and Your way in all we do. When we walk with You in intimacy, Satan must flee.

Show us how to bring You honor by submitting to You in our own hearts and in our relationship with each other. I know that will bring You joy and will delight us as well. In Christ’s name, amen.

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