


How to Make the Most of Your Time

Posted on Feb 04, 2021   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Bob Phillips

How would you like to have three extra months a year? Would this help you get everything done? It’s estimated that we spend up to six weeks a year looking for stuff. Imagine that—a month and a half! We could gain over a month’s time just by getting organized.

I don’t have a count of the hours I’ve spent looking for things like my phone, glasses, and car keys. This does not include the wasted time trying to find something in my computer because I forgot how I titled it or which folder I put it in.

Clutter not only hides things, but it sucks creativity and energy from your brain. What are the ramifications of getting organized? It means a few things must be thrown away. This will be hard for some individuals. Getting organized means turning off the television, not going golfing, and not shopping. It means cleaning out the garage, organizing a closet, and straightening the drawer by the telephone. And it means throwing away magazines, junk mail, and outdated and underused possessions. The process of throwing away things can be softened by having a garage sale. You may even earn a little money for your effort. Or you could give items to the Salvation Army or your favorite charity.

You will also have to learn to say no. This means you might need to resign from some committees or boards. It means some people may be upset with you because you are not doing what they would like you to do. You might even have to regain control if your schedule is too busy and stressful.

Getting organized allows you freedom and control. It helps you avoid conflicts and guilt and the need to perform. It might even give you extra time to relax.

I haven’t forgotten about the other two months I mentioned earlier. You can gain them by getting up one hour earlier each day. This will give you 365 extra hours. Divide that by eight working hours a day times five days, times four weeks a month, and you come up with more than two extra months a year to accomplish some of the things you would like to do.

This will give you time to exercise each day or meditate more or increase your reading time. It will give you time to study if you are going back to school or want to update your skills. You may even wish to spend some time exploring your spiritual gifts.

“Therefore see that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people], making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence], because the days are [filled with] evil.” —Ephesians 5:15-16

Dear Lord,

Please help me take a hard look at my life and what I’ve been doing. I need to develop some goals—not just little ones, but long-term ones. Help me stretch in this area. Please give me some new thoughts about what You think I should be doing. Help me stop procrastinating, get organized, and throw away all the clutter in my life. I have wasted much valuable time that is lost forever. Help me schedule myself better. Help me to be a leader that can be an example of positive organization. Help me to use my time wisely.


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