


How to Make Your Home a Beautiful Reflection of You

Posted on Mar 14, 2017   Topic : Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Melissa Michaels

If you pick up a design book or magazine, you will often find that each one represents a specific style, with tips and photo illustrations for how to achieve that look. You may even find quizzes to identify your style or definitions of various looks to choose from. Yet a home is so personal!

While it can be helpful to have terms to describe your signature look, I don't think you actually have to choose a style, especially one that has its own label in a book or in the design world. In fact, to have a truly personal style, there has to be something a bit unexpected about it. Something previously undefined. Something that is all you.

You define your style by living it first. Your life experiences and personal preferences should inspire the look and feel of your home. Perhaps like me, your faith and family are priorities. What motivates your decisions, and what passions impact your life? These are elements you can incorporate into your home. No one will share your exact style because there is only one you! Your style will ebb and flow through each changing season of your life, springing from your unique personality and reflecting the joy you find in living. So go ahead and create a style that has no official designer name. Boldly design a look inspired by your life and everything you love. Mix it all up to give your home its own unique flair, creating the perfect space for you to come home to each day! Here's three concepts to get you started:

Make style and decor choices that support the life you have and the one you want

If you have pets or small children, you might pay more attention to the durability of fabrics. If you can’t spend much time keeping up your home, make decor choices that are simpler and more forgiving so you can spend less time cleaning. If you hope to travel more, go for low-maintenance options. Your home is for you and your family, so always consider how your home can accommodate what you enjoy. A comfortable place to watch movies? Space to cook a delicious meal? An organized craft closet to inspire your hobbies?

Consider the unique personality and needs of you and your family

Do you need an escape, a retreat from busy or stressful days at work? Do you want your home to be a place for community with an open door and gathering spaces for neighbors and friends? Make choices that will shape your home into a place where you get to be yourself.

Think about future goals and needs

In light of where you’re headed, is your home a short-term or life-long dwelling? If you will move again in the near future, keep affordability, mobility, and flexibility in mind as you select furniture and styles, while still creating a place you feel comfortable for the time being. If you are settling in for the long term, what choices might grow with you and your family’s needs? What areas of improvement might you invest in more fully?


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