


How You Can Help an Adoptive or Foster Family

Posted on Jun 27, 2019   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Mike and Kristin Berry

Not everyone is called to foster or adopt. When we first started fostering, we couldn’t see a reason we would ever stop. The need in our community for safe homes grows each day.

We can’t foster right now. Our heart is still there, but our home wouldn’t meet the current requirements in our state. Besides, our home is full. Now that life has slowed down for us at home, we have been able to step back from the chaos of fostering and ask ourselves what support we needed when we were still in the system. If you are not called to foster or adopt right now, here are a few ways to support those who are.


Fostering involves so much more driving than we could have imagined. If you know a foster family, offer to pick up an extra drive to school, sports, counseling, or the grocery store.


I (Kristin) will never forget the time my friend stopped by my house, walked straight into my laundry room and loaded garbage bags up with all of my laundry. She returned the next morning with neat stacks of sweet smelling clothes for me and the four small children I was raising at the time.


You don’t have to be a great cook to help provide a meal. Call the foster family you want to support, find their favorite take-out restaurant, and have food sent directly to their door.


Finding childcare for any child can be difficult, but what about a teenage child who can’t be left alone? Or what about a child who has experienced a trauma that prevents him or her from playing with other children safely? Or what about the child who needs medical attention that most teenage babysitters can’t provide? You can be that person for a foster family.


Our kids remember what it was like to be in foster care. We can’t offer them as playmates to just anyone, but often when I share with them that our friends have a new foster child, they will offer to go to the park, children’s museum, or zoo with the child. Our kids can be friends to others who are going through similar experiences.

Gift cards

You can get gift cards for everything! Get creative. Drop off a gift card to a children’s store so the foster family can buy new swimsuits. Or slip a gift card into the diaper bag when they visit the church nursery. Money is tight for many families, and foster families have many hidden expenses that we don’t often think about. Children may come into a home with only the clothes on their back.

Groceries, toiletries, and cleaning supplies

Taking in more kids means buying more food and more toothpaste…and making more mess! Collect everyday supplies for foster families you know. Little things like toilet paper feel like a big blessing when you don’t have to run out for more in the middle of the night.

Adoptive and foster families are unique, special, beautiful, and amazing. But they can’t do it alone. How is God calling you to help? 

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