


How You Can Unleash the Power of Positive Self-Talk

Posted on Jul 06, 2023   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Daniel Gil

Self-talk matters. I need to make sure that in my head and heart I’m not constantly putting myself down or cursing myself for making mistakes. As people often say, “Be careful what you tell yourself, because you’re always listening.” Learn to control your thought life. I encourage myself. Daily. The Bible even says David “strengthened himself in the Lord his God” when he was having more than just your average bad day and nobody was there to cheer him up (1 Samuel 30:6). You won’t always have someone else to encourage and motivate you. You have to learn to do that for yourself when you need it the most. I regularly remind myself who I am and whose I am. I also remind myself of my dreams, goals, and purpose in life. On the good days and the bad days. You have to be your own first line of defense against toxic thought patterns and unhealthy habits. Don’t curse or put yourself down when you inevitably fall or fail, because the truth is, life happens. Now, don’t go on the opposite end and begin making excuses either. Instead, hold yourself to your standards and core values and continue to aim higher. It’s okay to stumble and fall as you make your way uphill. All of this takes place within your mind, and it can be a battleground at times.

The Bible says that “each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can fully share its joy” (Proverbs14:10 NLT). Nobody else may fully understand what you’ve been through in life. You do. But while you look for others to process through those experiences with, have a filter that you use that leads you to a better place or simply keeps you in a good headspace. Remind yourself of the promises of God throughout Scripture—that though you fall you can get back up (Proverbs 24:16), that even what your enemies intended for evil God can use for good (Genesis 50:20), and that God has good plans for you,to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Remember that the whispers you utter to yourself matter much more than the shouts of someone else toward you.

The mind is a powerful thing. And faith comes by hearing (Romans10:17). If all you ever hear is “You’ll never be good enough,” or “Why bother trying; you could never do won’t make it” then even if it’s a complete lie, you will accept it over time and even begin believing it yourself. But if you speak life and truth over yourself, your automatic response will be to reject the lies you may hear in your head about your memories or your present circumstances.

The Bible says to think about whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). Why? Because it will shift your worldview and have the most profound effects on your life and attitude—for the better.

We need to have courage. But to do that, we need to constantly be encouraged. And if that’s not coming from others, then it definitely needs to be coming from within us. Be careful what you tell yourself, because you’re always listening. So the next time you talk to yourself, make sure you end the conversation feeling a little better and more hopeful than when you began. Have good self-talk.

Read more in Kingdom Ninja by Daniel Gil

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