


Is God on Your To-Do List?

Posted on Nov 06, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Ellen Elliott

I love making lists!

My love for list making began when I was young. I have memories of creating lists of clothing my Barbie desperately needed. I was not above ranking my stuffed animals from best to worst. And, let me tell you, my Christmas wish lists were epic. I'd pull out the Sears toy catalog, and before long, my list had color-coordinated, itemized footnotes and diagrams.

As adulthood brought new responsibilities and obligations, my list-making habit matured. Gone were the pink Barbie wardrobe lists, only to be replaced with notebooks full of grocery, errand, and baby-name lists. Lists helped take all the ideas and tasks percolating in my head and pin them down on a sheet of paper, all crisp and organized. A good list can do wonders. It can take a mind of fragmented thoughts and turn them into an ordered plan of action or a cohesive idea. A list can add focus to your day and open your mind to exciting new possibilities.

So I got to thinking: What if we took the same energy and imagination we spend on our weekly errand list and applied it to our relationship with our heavenly Father? Practicing and refining our faith every day keeps our walk with God fresh and vital. We can pour into that relationship in myriad ways, including studying the Bible, praying, and journaling. Let's add list making to the mix! Here's some topics to get you started:

 Here's some topics to get you started:


List some aspects of God's creation that always astound you. Where in nature do you feel closest to God? How can you carve out more time in your schedule to go there?

List things you often worry about...and should consider bringing to God. Write your worries on slips of paper, give them to God, and place them in a prayer box. If you start worrying about these things again, remember that you already gave them to God!

List your favorite worship songs. What specific lyrics have meant the most to you? Consider sharing on social media.

List the blessings in your life you are most thankful for. This week, try to begin every prayer with a thank-you to God. 

List friends who bring goodness into your life. Of all the friends on this list, who have you known the longest? Contact this friend and thank him or her for being part of your life.


As you make your lists, I hope you find joy and inspiration. I challenge you to stretch your imagination! My prayer for you is that this new way of worshiping God can be a creative blessing in your life as you write list after list.

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