


Is the Coronavirus in Bible Prophecy?

Posted on Oct 22, 2021   Topic : Prophecy
Posted by : ohn Ankerberg & Renald E. Showers, with Cathy Sims

Our culture—and the world—has experienced an unprecedented upheaval

unseen in our generation. What began as a “growing concern” in the

Wuhan province of China has expanded into the lockdown of entire

cities, states, and even countries to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Does the Bible state anything that helps us to know how to respond to the

coronavirus? Is this viral pandemic a sign that we are drawing closer to the end


A close look at Scripture confirms that such problems are part of our imperfect,

fallen world. In Matthew 24:6-8, Jesus taught,

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled;

for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For

nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And

there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows (nkjv).

Pestilences, including even the coronavirus, are not necessarily the end. Instead,

this sickness is part of what we can expect during the “beginning of sorrows.”

Jesus offers the following words of advice in times of trial.

First, Jesus says, “No one knows the day or hour.”

In Matthew 24:36-37, Jesus adds,

“Of that day and hour no one knows, not

even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were,

so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (nkjv).

Only God knows when the end will come.

However, there is a parallel provided with the “days of Noah.” What were

the days of Noah? In Genesis 6, we read of widespread immorality taking place

among humanity. This evil grew to the point that God decided the time was

right for judgment. The Lord saved Noah and his family, along with many

animals. However, everyone else was left unprepared and faced the judgment

of the flood. They were destroyed when God’s judgment came upon the world.

In a similar way, we are told Jesus will return at a time when many are unprepared

for His arrival. What is the application Jesus gives in response?

Second, Jesus says, “Be ready.”

In Matthew 24:44, Jesus provides His application:

“Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (nkjv).

We will not receive a warning before Jesus comes. He has given us all the preparation

we need in His Word already.

Hundreds of prophecies speak of Christ’s yet-future coming and activities.

Today, more people have access to Scripture than ever before—more than six

billion people worldwide. Despite the growth in Scripture access and global

evangelism, many remain unprepared, either without knowledge of Christ’s salvation

or as believers who are living without expectation of the Lord’s impending


Hopefully, God is using the coronavirus pandemic to help people (both

believers and nonbelievers) realize that our world can change in an instant.

We should always be ready to meet the Lord.

The application to “Be ready” involves action. We may be told to wear a

mask or practice social distancing due to a virus, but we are also called to pray

and live with a passion for the Lord.

Such events should lead us to our knees in prayer rather than behind doors in fear as we

place our trust in Christ.

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