


Is There Really Hope for a Broken Marriage?

Posted on Aug 30, 2016   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Cindy Beall

It was a mild day in central Texas on January 9, 1993. It was the day I stood in front of the people I loved to proclaim my commitment to Chris Beall. For better or worse, in sickness and in health, ’til death parts us. Always and forever, I knew that I would be his and he would be mine. We would serve Jesus together and everything would work out perfectly.

However, one February morning nine years later would prove me a fool. Within minutes of my husband walking through the door of our home, my world crumbled as I listened to him confess his infidelity and pornography addiction.

After a slew of questions from me as well as long periods of silent weeping, I began to suffer from an onslaught of unbearable pain, suffocating despair, and waves and waves of grief. My desire to leave this world and meet Jesus face to face was powerful. Surely that would be better than my present predicament. 

That was over 14 years ago. 

God brought my husband and me through that fire. First, God healed both of us from the inside out, and then He made our marriage better than new. He gave us a platform where we could shout, “You don’t have to throw in the towel when marriage gets tough. Ask us how we know!” God has been more than faithful to redeem, restore, and reinvent two broken people. 

I wonder what circumstances you are facing right now that make your heart weary or make you cry on a daily basis. Maybe you have a broken marriage and you have no idea how to climb out of the pit you are in. Perhaps you are struggling with your health and no treatment seems to make a difference. It could be that your children are angry or far from God and to even get out of bed some days seems like an Olympic sport to you. 

I get it.

There were days I could barely lift my head from my pillow. There were mornings where I awoke with joy only to have it dashed because I remembered, Oh yeah, this really did happen. There were times when the trigger of a past event left me helpless and in a pile of tears. There were moments of hope only to be eradicated by our spiritual enemy’s assault of doubt. 

May this former pit-dweller offer you some hope? God can take your questions and your pain. In the midst of your storm, rest in the truth that He sees and He knows. He has not forgotten your discomfort. He is holding each tear you’ve cried. He will never leave you. He is always near.

We’d rather God just wave His majestic arm and make everything better, wouldn’t we? Yet, it is in these difficult times that He develops our character, simultaneously shows His glory, and makes us more like Him.

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