


Is Your Discontentment Keeping You from Experiencing God’s Best for Your Life?

Posted on Nov 10, 2022   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living

Have you ever been participating in a special event and you were so distracted that you missed the moment? Maybe it was a gorgeous location, or perhaps it was a significant occasion with someone you love. Whatever the experience might have been, looking back, you realize that you didn’t truly soak in that moment like you should have. You were too distracted. Maybe you were angry or anxious about something, or perhaps you were thinking about the next task on your to-do list. Whatever distracted you, sadness can overtake you when you realize that moment is gone forever.

Think about watching a sunrise. Take a deep breath—in and then out—and try to appreciate the beauty found in that moment. We can only engage in this savoring process when we have put aside our distractions, our worries, and all the things that tie us down. Once we set those to the side, we can receive that moment for the beauty that it holds. Only then can we truly appreciate and enjoy it—free.

In the same way that we can be distracted by things and miss a moment, our pride and arrogance act as distractions from what God has for us. He has planned a beautiful relationship for us to enjoy with Him, but we are prideful and arrogant instead of clothed with humility, and thus we end up missing those moments with Him.

Discontentment with life and a constant need for our own plan—the plan we have in our head of how our life should go—have us missing the good that God has placed right in front of us. We think we know better and that our blueprint is better. Thus, we constantly try to make our plans happen and become discontented when we don’t get what we want.

But God’s design for your life is the best, and the relationship you could have with Him is right in front of you. His plan for your life is unlike any of the distractions that you think will make you happy, and only when you’re in the center of His will for your life will you experience the most fulfillment, the most joy. But He knows that we struggle to submit to His control because we think we know better.

There are new mercies from God each day when we are humble and receptive to Him. I invite you to let go of your plans, quiet your mind, and open your eyes to the good that God has right in front of you. You don’t want to miss it.

Read more in Every Day New by Jenny Highsmith

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