


Jesus Loves Me. No, Really!

Posted on Oct 05, 2017   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Jami Amerine

For the better part of 40 years, I worshiped a God of terror—until I was recently set free. And oh friend, nothing tastes quite as sweet as freedom. I will not turn away from the freedom I walk in now. Sorry, but you can’t make me. 

I wasn’t fully aware that I was in bondage to a God of terror until my friend suggested I dissect the terms I flippantly joke about in the “Jesuses” I used on my blog. Target Jesus, Starbucks Jesus, and Stolen Jesus were just a few of the characters I jested about—imaginary characters I worshiped when I needed something and apologized to when I crossed some metaphorical line.

I measured Jesus’s approval by a broken standard. I worked my tail off and kept a laminated list of good deeds I thought counted toward my redemption. It was never enough. I never knew when I was done, and I never understood when He was placated.

When He finally wore me down and broke open my heart, I found that Real Jesus is too magnificent to hide in the shadows behind the counterfeits. He doesn’t shove His way to the front of the line, but He demands the truth. He is for us. This is paramount. To believe I am constantly in trouble is so self-defeating and oppositional of who He is. Knowing He wants me to be whole, knowing He died so that I might live…oh my. This truth drags me to my knees!

This is the heart of confession, the Hebrew word “yadah,” which means to agree. When I agree with Him, I am redeemed. I am His. He died for me and made me whole, and the blood worked. I am undone by His love for me.

As I type this today, the image of the thieves on the cross comes to mind. Jesus, bloodied and beaten, asked nothing of the thief but belief. When the thief agreed, Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” There was no time left to start a new study or journal, there was nothing left to say or do. Time was up, and yes was enough.

In my folly and my busy-ness, I have wanted to please Him with my fancypants tricks. But in my brokenness He let me just be, and I was free to be loved perfectly. What a relief. Real Jesus is the only Jesus, and freedom awaits. 

Read more in Stolen Jesus by Jami Amerine

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