


Keep Your Kids Learning While Keeping Them at Home

Posted on Apr 07, 2020   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living

If you find yourself homeschooling for the first time or are already a pro, we’ve put together a list of books to keep the fun and education going even though school isn't. During this highly extended spring break, you can feel good about exercising their minds with these offerings.

Courageous World Changers

Children of all ages will be inspired by the true stories of these 50 courageous females who changed the world around them. Meet women from all walks of life who made a meaningful impact throughout history as they put their faith into action. Learn more here.

Bible Infographics for Kids

Kids and adults alike will love this craze-mazing collection of infographic spreads designed to make the key concepts, important people, and unusual facts about the Bible come alive. From Genesis to Revelation, see God's plan for His creation unfold. Learn more here

Bible Infographics for Kids Vol. 2

Volume 2 is all about opposites—light and darkness, angels and demons, heaven and hell, and much more. Explore these topics in a new and exciting way with colorful graphics that help your child understand the Bible better than they ever have before. Learn more here

The Complete Illustrated Children's Bible Atlas

Packed with colorful pictures, detailed maps, and fun facts, The Complete Illustrated Children's Bible Atlas helps your child, age 8-12, learn more about the people, places, and events in the Bible and spark a lifelong interest in studying God's Word. Learn more here

The Complete Illustrated Children’s Bible Dictionary

Packed with hundreds of easy-to-understand definitions and colorful illustrations, this dictionary will help your child, age 9-12, gain a greater understanding of the new and often times confusing words they encounter while reading the Bible. Learn more here

Guide to Creation

When you look at the marvels of Earth and outer space, have you ever wondered: How did this all come about? And that leads to that ultimate question: Why are we here? This book will take you on an incredible journey for the answers. A wealth of discoveries await you! Learn more here

Guide to God’s Animals

The animal kingdom is a massive and amazing part of God's wonderful creation, with creatures that fly, swim, slither, gallop, swing through trees, and much more. Discover the fascinating details of what makes each animal unique and how they are engineered to live in their own habitat. Learn more here

Guide to Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs were amazing creatures. We continue to learn more about them from the fossil record, but there are still many questions: How do dinosaurs fit with the Bible? Are they really millions of years old? How did they go extinct? A fascinating look at the evidence and how it fits with Scripture. Learn more here

Guide to the Human Body

Every day our bodies process massive amounts of information and make thousands of complex motions. The ability to move our fingers across a keyboard and fill a glass with water—these simple actions mask marvels beneath the skin so skillfully and creatively made by the Creator. Learn more here

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