


Learn to See Yourself the Way God Sees You

Posted on Oct 30, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Stormie Omartian

I will never forget the day I first looked in one of those lighted magnifying mirrors. You know, the ones you can buy for your bathroom counter? They come in different levels of magnification. The one I bought was five times magnification because I needed to see certain things on my face and skin more clearly for the sake of good grooming.

I set it up, turned on the light, looked in the mirror, and nearly frightened myself to death.

I am warning you now that this is not for the faint of heart and you must prepare yourself in advance. First of all, be assured before you look in it that no one on earth sees you the way the mirror is reflecting you, with every pore and blemish enlarged; every brown sunspot, broken capillary, wrinkle, and line enhanced; and each imperfection—many of which you never even knew were there—illuminated.

I have since recovered from that initial shock, but it took a while. And as time goes on there is more to see, so it actually doesn’t become an increasingly pleasant experience. It’s just something you know you have to do and you are more prepared to endure it.

Seeing yourself the way God sees you is like looking into a giant magnifying mirror of your entire being. But He sees you from the perspective of all He made you to be. He sees all the gifts, purpose, and potential in you, having been put there by the One who not only thought about you before you were born but had a plan for your life.

We too often see only the negative things in ourselves. We painfully observe where we are weak, lacking, or failing. God sees all that too, but He doesn’t consider it all bad.

For example, God sees your weakness as an opportunity for you to trust Him to be strong in you. Your weakness surrendered to God enables you to gain strength from Him beyond anything you could ever have without Him.

God sees whatever you lack as a possibility that you will turn to Him and declare your dependence on Him so He can supply all your needs.

God sees your failure as an invitation for you to walk closely with Him, so He can empower you to accomplish what you couldn’t begin to do on your own.

If you are not certain about all of this, then I invite you to seek God beyond what you ever have before and come to know Him better. The better you know who God really is, the more you will recognize how much you need Him. And needing Him is always a good thing.

The more we seek to know God in greater depth, the more He shows us about Himself. When we truly open up to God and invite Him to reveal Himself to us, He will do that. And this is something we must do. For we will never know who we really are until we understand who He really is.

God also shows us the truth about ourselves when we ask Him to do so. That can seem daunting, but don’t let the idea scare you. The good news is that He doesn’t let us see everything at once—both about Him and about ourselves—which would be overwhelming in either case. He lets us see a little at a time as we seek Him.

If you have a heart that longs to know the truth and yearns for a way to become all you were created to be, spend time with God every day getting to know Him. When you understand His amazing goodness, holiness, perfection, and love, it is healing for your soul.

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