


Let God Write Your Love Story

Posted on Feb 13, 2018   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Rhonda Stoppe

Why do love stories draw us in? I think it’s because we each long for our own happily ever after, and if you’re a mom you pray for your children to find lifelong love. Love stories give us hope and inspire us to believe that true love—forever love—not only exists but is alive and well in average couples whose depth of love makes them anything but average.

When our son Tony was in the ROTC at Texas A&M University, he was the head of his unit. One woman under his command had a hard time keeping up with the men when they ran a great distance. When they arrived at their destination without her, they were chastised and required to do push-ups until she arrived. As commander, Tony needed to be sure she kept up the pace with the rest of the unit, so he ran in back alongside her. With both of their eyes focused on their destina­tion, Tony would place his hand on the small of her back and she would keep up the pace. When he removed his hand, she lagged behind.

The Bible says that, as Christ followers, we’re running a race He has set before us. He calls us to keep our eyes fixed on Him, the author and finisher of our faith, and to shake off whatever easily besets us in our pursuit to finish well.

It’s tempting to take your eyes off the prize of Christ and focus on other distractions. But like the woman in Tony’s unit, you are called to run this race of life with your focus on the One who calls you to run.

Happily-ever-after doesn’t always end like the fairy tales. True happiness does not rest in a life without trouble. Rather, it comes when you discover the secret of finding your worth and joy in Christ alone. As you learn to pursue loving God first and foremost, your focus will be on Him and His plan for your life—rather than looking for happiness in how well you are loved by some­one else. I pray God grants you true romance as Christ’s love spills over into your own love story.

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