


Let These Words Inspired by Psalm 23 Strengthen You

Posted on Aug 18, 2020   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Rousseaux Brasseur

It would seem completely unnecessary to ask if this has been a difficult season of life for you. Our entire world seems to be sauntering though the valley of the shadow of death. Is there anyone who hasn’t experienced unparalleled levels of high stress at home, at work, and maybe even in church? Many have simultaneously experienced all-time lows of depression, anxiety, and financial hardships as our future expectations have grown dim under the haunting shadow of this world-wide pandemic.

In search for hope, comfort, and security, and assurance, with the shadow of death hanging over us, I encourage you to often turn and then return to the 23rd Psalm. May this poem be a source of strength to your faith and fuel to your hope. For surely there is a hereafter.

Through: A Meditation on Psalm 23

In pastures green, by waters still,
I drank in peace and ate my fill.
My heart content, my soul restored,
In You my Shepherd and my Lord.
In paths of righteousness I walked,
Your voice I followed as we talked.

With streams and pastures both in view
I prayed to be made more like You.
Then as I prayed the landscape changed;
Ahead a dismal mountain range.
Foreboding clouds formed overhead,
Yet still I followed where You led.

The fields of green began to fade,
Cool peaceful streams now turned away.
As night fell on that dreadful land
I sought but could not find Your hand.
I looked back toward the greener path
But You perceived my thoughts and asked,

“Did you not pray to be like Me?
And would you now turn back and flee?
You claimed to trust Me in the light,
Will you now walk by faith -- not sight?”
Although distressed, I answer, “Yes”
Then through the shadows on I pressed.

Cold heavy rain would not relent,
A haunting fear then filled my heart,
I cried aloud into the dark,
“It is not evil that I fear,
But being left alone in here!”

Yet no reply came to my call
Which echoed through the canyon walls.
So there I paused to rest and weep
Till sorrows waves were calmed by sleep.
Awaking just before the dawn
Your gentle whisper called me on.

Through faint light as the morning came
I saw the stones with crimson stains.
The path ahead had streaks of red
Where One who passed this way had bled.
Then gazing up I saw You there
In answer to my every prayer!

A staff and rod to guide and guard
Held by my God whose hands were scarred.
The enemies behind me stared
At the great table You prepared.
Then You poured Your best oil out
To soothe my soul and drown my doubt.

And while my starving soul was fed
You looked at me in love and said,
“My sheep who seek my likeness must
In silent grief develop trust.
The darkness helps the soul to see,
And weakness helps you lean on Me.

For though I made no loud reply,
I listened closely to your cry.
And though you laid down in despair
I stood above you even there.
Behind each step that brought you through
Goodness and mercy followed you.”

Then all at once I understood
How pain and darkness work for good.
So to the house of God I came,
(All for the sake of Your great name)
And coming to that blessed door
I knew I’d dwell there evermore.


And speaking of epic biblical journeys, your family will love this poetic retelling of John Bunyan's classic Christian allegory. Introduce your children to Christian's legendary quest for forgiveness, freedom, and an everlasting kingdom.   

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