


Life is a Slice of Avocado Toast: Reflections from an EMS Volunteer

Posted on May 13, 2024   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Andrea Jo Rodgers

There’s nothing quite like mouth-watering avocado toast. When I take a bite, I close my eyes and appreciate its wholesome goodness. As my teeth dig into the culinary delight, I realize that life is a slice of fresh, delicious avocado toast.

As an emergency medical services (EMS) volunteer, I meet people at their most vulnerable moments, when a seemingly ordinary day can suddenly morph into one that is dark and sinister, challenging their faith and calling into question an ongoing earthly existence versus transitioning to eternity with God. In these times of profound crisis, people turn to God for help. I know He hears our prayers, for I’ve seen them answered in ways that defy logic. His loving hand pulls us literally or figuratively to safety in ways that cannot be written off as mere chance.

So what does this have to do with avocado toast?

The bumps on the exterior of an avocado represent trials and tribulations in life. After all, life can’t always be smooth sailing. The humps allow us to better appreciate the peaceful times. These ridges give the avocado its originality and uniqueness.

Sometimes, a tantalizing avocado beckons me from the kitchen counter, where it sits right next to a bunch of bright yellow bananas. I reach for it, then reluctantly pull back. It’s only been sitting on the counter for one day. If I give into temptation and cut into it right away, it’ll be too hard inside. The texture will be all wrong, and it won’t taste good. Instead, I tell myself, “Be patient. Wait until it’s ready.”

The next day, with much anticipation, I slice through the protective skin and admire the creamy interior. I can’t help but notice the large pit in the center. At times, life throws us twists and turns, forcing us to navigate pitfalls. If we open our hearts and minds to God’s presence in our lives, we’ll begin to recognize His saving grace as He works to protect and rescue us. And wouldn’t you know it, sometimes the very things that we think could slow us down or hurt us end up being the fruit that leads to growth and development. In actuality, the avocado doesn’t have a pit, but rather one large seed which offers the hope of tomorrow.

After mashing the inner part of the avocado with a fork, I season it with garlic salt, pepper, and lime juice. After all, isn’t seasoning the spice of life? But too much seasoning (overindulging, if you will) taints this tasty treat.

 I love spreading the delightful green concoction onto a slice of warm whole wheat toast. However, if one doesn’t pay attention, the toast can become so blackened that it turns inedible. Can we learn a lesson from our toast? Pay attention to details, and hopefully we won’t get “burned.” Keep our souls pure and not darkened by the toxic darkness of sin. Have faith and trust in God’s infinite wisdom.

Sometimes, I wish I could save my avocado toast. I would like to hide it away, pulling it back out in a day or two to savor it once more.

But then I realize that stifling its glorious splendor transforms it to a dismal, unappetizing brown. Instead, I will choose to enjoy and celebrate this magnificent day, giving thanks to God for His special gift.

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