


Love that Never Fails: The Four Seasons of Every Healthy Relationship

Posted on Feb 13, 2020   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Debra Fileta

Spring, summer, fall, winter—each of these seasons possesses unique beauty, weather patterns, and natural quirks. Each season in nature is unique and necessary, and each adds its own unique layer, building the foundation as it ushers in the season to come.

As a professional counselor and relationship specialist, I get an eye-opening view into the lives and relationships of many couples. I have seen that all relationships pass through a predictable pattern of interactions that I like to call the “seasons” of a relationship: spring, summer, fall, and winter.

  • Spring is a time of new beginnings. Emotions are in full bloom and everything about the relationship seems bright and beautiful. Spring is when we plant good seeds in a relationship and uproot any harmful weeds.
  • The season of summer is when things start to get hot. The heat causes us to shed our layers, getting to know one another in a deeper and more deliberate way. We learn how to navigate the physical, emotional, and spiritual heat so we don’t get burned.
  • Fall is when our true colors begin to shine. We’re no longer blinded by brightness and beauty and we begin to see things as they really are. It’s a season of deep connection and communication if we can learn to embrace the vulnerability and authenticity of this season.
  • Then there’s winter: the time when things begin to cool as the normalcy of day-to-day life sets in. Winter offers us an opportunity to lean into the comfort and stability of familiarity, but we can get so accustomed to love that we begin to take it for granted.

The seasons don’t always happen in order. They can take months to unfold in a relationship—or even years. And often, a relationship will cycle through these seasons again and again. But their presence is always sure and their purpose clear. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” God instilled creation with a beautiful order, and our relationships are yet another avenue in which we get to see His creativity, wisdom, and majesty unfold.

So often, people pass through these four seasons of a relationship without ever recognizing them for what they are. They face the elements of the seasons without being prepared, forfeiting the opportunity for growth, maturity, and intimacy. If you don’t recognize the seasons, you’ll never be able to learn from them.

In all your closest relationships, recognizing the season you’re in and then seeing it as a purposeful experience is critical to achieving a healthy relationship. Are you ready to open your heart to receive all that love has to offer? For those who are willing, there is an opportunity to find love in every season.

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