


Making Good Decisions with God’s Help

Posted on Mar 27, 2020   Topic : Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Sandy Silverthorne

Writer, cartoonist, and humorist Sandy Silverthorne shares some good advice for tweens about how to make good decisions. Share this post with you child today. It's a good reminder for parents too!


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Have you ever made a mistake? Done something dumb? Or wished you had a do-over? You’re not alone.

In 1964, the Minnesota Vikings and the San Francisco 49ers played a nationally televised football game. When the 49ers fumbled the ball, Vikings defensive end Jim Marshall grabbed it and took off running. Unfortunately, he was running the wrong way! He made it all the way to the 49ers’s end zone and ended up scoring a safety for San Francisco! Oops. Bet he wished he had a do-over on that one.

Have you ever felt like you’ve made a dumb decision? Or you ended up going the wrong way? Don’t worry, everybody does dumb stuff. The good news is, if we ask God to forgive us, He will (1 John 1:9). So how do you learn to make good decisions? Whether you’re deciding whether to try out for the soccer team or figuring out which friends to hang out with, here are two helpful ways to make good decisions.

1. Check out your Bible. Will my Bible tell me whether I’m supposed to try out for volleyball or join the science fair? Probably not. But the Bible is full of God’s wisdom we can apply to every part of our lives—friendships, getting along with parents, obedience, hard work, and being kind and honest. It’s all in there.

2. Try prayer. So how do I pray? Does God really care if I take shop class or who I hang out with? Yep, He does. Psalm 139:2 says that He even knows our thoughts before we think them! So just talk with Him about how you’re feeling. Prayer isn’t about saying the right words; it’s about being real with God. You might even say something like this: “God, it’s been a rough day, but I’m glad You’re in it with me.”

3. Get some help. If you’re stuck on making a decision, like who to hang out with or what sport to try out for, talk to somebody about it. Probably somebody a little older than you because your friends are basically in the same place you are, trying to figure things out for themselves. So talk to your mom or dad, a grandparent, an older brother or sister, your youth pastor, a teacher or coach, or a good friend. Sometimes getting a second opinion will help you see things more clearly.

4. Pay attention to your desires. God gives us passions for certain things. Are you an artist? That’s a gift God gave you, so He wants you to use and enjoy it. Are you good at sports, music, or making people laugh? God wants us to enjoy life and do the things He’s created us to do. Sometimes God uses our good desires to direct us.

5. How are things working out? Sometimes you can watch how circumstances work out and see how God is directing your path. If you made the football team, it might indicate that God wants you to do that right now. Or if you were chosen to be the news editor out of 20 other kids, God may have the school newspaper in His plans for you. Watch carefully how things work out. Sometimes God will direct you through circumstances.

The good news is that as you grow and practice these things, making smart decisions will start to get a lot easier. Read James 1:5-7 and see how God wants us to ask Him for wisdom.

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