


Miracles in the Dark

Posted on Mar 24, 2016   Topic : Fiction, Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Prophecy, Women's Christian Living

The two most significant moments in human history—the incarnation and the resurrection—slipped by without even being noticed by most people. They occurred in quiet seclusion, hidden from public view. No press releases. No fireworks. No crowds. 

The Son of God was born in a dark stable with a few bewildered shepherds eventually arriving on the scene. The Son of Man rose from an even darker tomb, and a few even more bewildered disciples peeked in shortly after. 

Why would the Creator do some of his most mind-bending work, radically altering the course of history, in such remote corners of his universe? It’s almost as if God were averse to public displays of his incredible power, but why would that be? Is he hiding? Is he trying to keep a secret? 

No. But sometimes it can seem that way. 

The good news began not so much as a bold headline to the masses but as a controlled leak to a handful of shepherds and disciples. That kind of thing can be exasperating, especially when you feel as if you’re late to the party. So if that’s you, if you’re desperately hoping for God to do something big in your life but wondering why he seems to prefer to work incognito, maybe these Easter declarations will help. 

The resurrection anchors our faith and gives us hope. It’s God’s great sign that his kingdom work is in fact unfolding. Therefore, we can live by faith even when we doubt. Depending on God is often a challenge, but it’s a lot better than the alternative. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” 

The resurrection defines our mission. We can embrace our calling even without all the answers. The disciples were still pretty clueless when Jesus told them, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” He didn’t seem to be intimidated by their incomplete understanding. 

The resurrection expands our vision. Sometimes, God’s ways and our ways just don’t mix. (The resurrection certainly doesn’t fit neatly into any of our contemporary categories.) Maybe that’s why Jesus was silent before Pilate, as if to say, “I’m not playing that game,” or “You’re asking the wrong question.” How about you—can you let go of your need for all the answers? Can you embrace the mystery of God? Some of God’s works are just too big to line up with our notions of how stuff is supposed to work. 

If you’re waiting for God to display his power in your life, if you wonder whether he is listening, if your faith is being tested, take a few quiet moments to think about the resurrection. He’s done some amazing things in the dark before. Chances are pretty good he’s still at it.

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