


Once Apart at the Seams, Can True Love Be Mended?

Posted on Nov 03, 2016   Topic : Fiction

Joy Miller has dreams of becoming a wife and mother. As her relationship with Matthew Slagel, the bishop's son, continues to grow, those dreams look closer than ever to coming true. But when a television crew comes to Pinecraft to film a new show about the Amish, Joy's involvement in the production causes a rift between her and Matthew. In this emotional scene from Sewn with Joy, Matthew and Joy struggle to express what's on their hearts after weeks spent apart from each other.       


Joy’s mind was filled with thoughts about quilting, so she didn’t notice Matthew standing on her porch until she’d already walked through her front gate. There was a weariness about him that Joy hadn’t seen before. The joy she’d seen on his face then was gone. 

His eyes widened when he saw her. “Joy, it’s so gut to see you.” He took two steps to her and then paused. “You look wonderful. I…I’ve missed seeing you.” 

She nodded and bit her lower lip, not knowing what to say. “I’ve missed seeing you too, and I’ve missed our talks. How’s work, and…Have you had time to work on those recipe boxes?” It felt silly to offer up small talk when she had so much she wanted to say, wanted to know. The pain of his silence still pricked her heart. 

Ne.” He lowered his head. “I’ve just been busy on my construction job. And even though I’ve tried not to think of you, it’s been very hard not to. I’ve been so angry with you—angry about the choices you’ve made.” 

“And now?” she asked. 

“Now I know I’ve made a horrible mistake. I’m so—” 

“Shh.” She covered his lips with her fingertips. Touching him caused a warm sensation to run down the length of her arm. “You don’t have to explain. I grew up this way. I know how things work. I understand what it means to shun someone—if not technically, at least make them feel like an outcast.” 

Emotion filled his eyes. “It’s not what I wanted. I never wanted it to be like this.” 

Ne. Of course you didn’t.”

“Joy, it hurts me to know I’m bringing you pain,” he said in a gruff voice. He swallowed hard. 

Before she could stop herself, Joy stepped forward and offered him a hug. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, she could feel the thrum of his heartbeat for only a second. Was it breaking like hers? Joy released her grasp. Matthew held on to her for a few seconds more before he let her step back. 

Her eyes skittered down to his nervous fingers as he fiddled with the hat in his hand. 

Joy released a sigh. “I never expected it to end like this.” 

“Who said it’s ended? We have a second chance.” 

Her eyes met his, and although he said the words, she saw worry in his gaze. 

Does he expect me to just walk away from my job so we can pick up where we left off? 

Matthew pulled back slightly, putting more room between them. His face was in the shadows, but she didn’t need to see it to know he wasn’t going to like hearing her say she wasn’t leaving the set—not yet. 

Joy took a deep breath and spoke the last words she wanted to say. “I think we should take a break for a while.” 

Matthew’s eyes widened and he smirked. “Take a break? Did I hear you just say that? You sound like one of those Englisch couples. You’re becoming just like them, aren’t you? That’s just what my father was afraid of.” 

“I’m learning a lot—about them, about myself, about God.” 

He turned away and shook his head, not believing her. “So you’re not leaving, are you?” 

Joy didn’t need to answer. He already knew. 

“I suppose I’ll be leaving, then.” His voice was sharp. “I don’t think there is anything else for me to say here.” He focused his gaze on her. “Unless you can think of anything.”

She read the ache in his eyes and knew it mirrored her own.

Say you love me. Say you’re not going to give up on me. 

All those words and more filled her mind…

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