


One Simple Step to Boost Your Mood When You Feel Stuck

Posted on Aug 16, 2016   Topic : Women's Christian Living

“Being stuck is a position few of us like. 
We want something new but cannot let go of the old—
old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts.
We are out of contact with our own genius.
Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don’t.
In both cases we have to DO something.”
—Inga Teekens

I feel stuck.

Do you ever feel like your life is like a train car coasting down the tracks laid out for you—and the landscape is boring? You can’t go back, you can’t stop, and you can’t even hope anymore for a fork in the road.

Maybe you’re in a job you never wanted or that turned out much different than you expected. Maybe you’ve lived the whole marriage, kids, empty-nest pattern just because that was what was expected of you. Maybe your marriage is empty. 

I need an adventure.

If you keep on this path, you feel the boredom will cause you to snap, and you’ll do something you’ll regret.

You might not be able to change your job and you certainly can’t change your husband or kids (you’ve probably tried), so it’s time to change your environment. Change the furniture around, paint a room, hang up photographs, make new curtains, throw out junky stuff, or organize your cupboards. Take a walk in a different park or visit a new coffee shop. 

You don’t need to move to a new place (in fact, that’s running away from your problems) or spend a lot of money (that’s self-medicating with consumerism). Simply take ownership of your life and make it prettier or more interesting or more functional. Learn to enjoy where you are. 

You are not stuck on any tracks. You are right where God wants you to be. Now find out what He wants you to do there.

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