


Pray with Persistence, Pray for Resilience to Overcome

Posted on Feb 17, 2022   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Tony Evans

Praying for Resilience to Overcome Setbacks

In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37


Lord God, Jesus has set the ultimate example of overcoming setbacks. There is no greater setback than to be nailed to a cross, crucified, and left to die by those you love and came to save. Yet Jesus didn’t remain on the cross. He didn’t remain in the state of death and decay. Instead, He rose. And because He rose, and because Jesus lives in me, I also have the ability to overcome any setback I face according to Your will. His presence in me is enough to inspire and strengthen me to overwhelmingly conquer whatever I face.

I praise, worship, and adore You not only for the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ—a salvation for eternity—but also for the empowering love He gives me in my everyday life.


My God in heaven, resilience isn’t always what defines me. Sometimes life gets so hard that I want to pause and just sit out the next round. I want to be more resilient and live with the tenacity of a kingdom hero, but I have to admit that in the midst of fluctuating emotions, often based on circumstances, I don’t always live up to my own hopes and expectations.

Forgive me for wavering when I do. Forgive me for throwing in the towel—or considering throwing it in far more often than I should. Grant me Your mercy so that I will feel emboldened to stop looking at my past failures and focus on the future opportunities to rebound, overcome, and push through.


Lord, thank You for Your model of resilience. Thank You for the kingdom heroes in Scripture who show me what it looks like to overcome setbacks. My heart is filled with gratitude for the lessons I can learn from those who have gone before me, for those who show what it means to never give up and never give in as Satan tries to sideline believers through just plain weariness and despair.

Thank You for the strength I can find in Jesus Christ, knowing it’s enough to propel me into a walk of faith that will please You in every way.


Holy Father, I pray for greater resilience to overcome life’s setbacks. I pray that I will see myself as an overcomer. I ask for the ability to change my mindset on how I view potential issues in life. Help me view them as opportunities to overcome rather than as roadblocks to stop me in my life’s pursuit.

Infuse me with the courage and resilience I need to move through life fully vested and fully present. I don’t want to hide in the face of opposition. Rather, I want to boldly walk through the fire of testing and the winds of change so I can demonstrate the resilience and tenacity of a kingdom hero to those around me. Show me what I need to do in order to grow in this area of my life.

In Christ’s name, I pray, amen.

Praying for Persistence

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Galatians 6:9


God, I’m glad You never lost heart when You created the earth and the universe and all they contain. I’m glad You never lost heart as Christ hung on the cross to save humanity from our sinfulness and the eternal damnation that comes with it. You have always been persistent about what You set out to do, and I praise You for Your ability to embody this kingdom value.

I honor You for Your persistence. I worship You for Your reliability. I lift Your name in praise as I consider the works of   Your hands and Your presence in keeping it all together. Great is Your name and worthy of all praise.


Father, forgive me for being fickle rather than faithful when it comes to persistence in my kingdom walk as a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ. Show me what I need to do in order to serve You more faithfully and persistently with my life. I want to honor You, but I confess I sometimes make decisions that reflect a lack of reliable faithfulness to You.

Forgive me for falling back when times get tough. Forgive me for when I give up. Sometimes I’ve given up even when a situation started to slowly improve, simply because I lost interest. Help me remain steadfast and immovable so I don’t miss out on opportunities to serve You and help others as I should.


God, thank You for reminding me of the need for me to be persistent in my walk of faith. To live as a kingdom hero, I need to model what it means to be committed to You and Your Word. I can’t go back and forth in my thinking, swayed by popular opinion and giving in to my own flesh and desires. I need to honor You with what I do and say, so I thank You for Your Word revealing to me how to do that.

Help me push through to the finish line in all that I do for Your kingdom. Help me not to lose interest, giving me the persistence in my spirit I need to bring You glory. Thank You for empowering me to live my life as a kingdom hero who persistently pursues advancing Your kingdom agenda and expressing kingdom values on earth.


Lord, help me learn from my inaction and mistakes. Help me discover how persistence in the Christian faith is crucial to living as a kingdom hero. I want to learn these lessons so I can apply the wisdom of what I learn. I ask You to teach me.

But please do not use painful situations to teach me. In Your mercy, teach me with grace and open my eyes and my heart to a quick understanding. Make me a fast learner in the areas I need to grow, especially in this area of persistence, Lord. Show me how what I learn will impact my life for good and improve the lives of those around me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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